Junior/Youth One of those games


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
That makes me question why the f*** I referee. Couldn't give the most blatant of free kicks without mass uproar. You can be running away from goal on the corner of the box and be sent off for DOSGO according to coaches... Oh and don't forget that every time a player gets tripped it's a dive...

Second game of the day better be a quiet one.
A&H International
Keep going buddy!! Can't do anything about idiot coaches and players unfortunately, they'll always be idiots. Just know you're right, keep your head up, and smash next weeks game :D
After having a tough, niggly, deflating experience on the pitch, it is always worth taking a little time to re-centre yourself. Get yourself back to an emotional and mental equilibrium before your next game. If you don't reset yourself, you risk marching into the next game with the hang over negativity from the previous match which the players then pick up on and very quickly you find yourself back in the same situation. And you don't enjoy the game as a result.

You need to find your own way of resetting/re-centering - I like to do a little silent meditation, sometimes listen to energising music instead or simply write down on a piece of paper the reasons why I referee, my goals for the upcoming game, how I intend to referee the game and how the game is going to go (actually visualise yourself calmly and confidently managing the game with a smile on your face - enjoying it). Works for me.

I might be way off and the teams actually were just being gits, but it is always something to bear in mind.
Cheers @Supermonkey. Guess I wasn't helped by the fact that I was still massively p***ed off going into game two, so it was always going to be the same way. Onwards and upwards I guess, with what should be a fairly easy game (on paper) next week.
@Supermonkey I find remembering games that went really well help. Remembering those teams that appreciated your efforts and when you got a decision right.

I had a rough couple of weeks but recently had two games back to back both with penalty decisions. After both games both team managers said I'd got it spot on. It's put a massive spring in my refereeing step to just have those four people endorse my decisions. It's been a massive help in getting over my rough few games.
I have two trigger phrases during games. Said internally not out loud. :)

1) is simple "breath, concentrate, go". Reset concentration and off I go to next position.

2) is cruder. "F*ck that noise". Used primarily to blank out internal negative thoughts.

Agree and echo the points made above but would add that at any and every point in the game you MUST have 100% confidence in your game almost bordering arrogant e and for me in those types of games be prepared to caution serial moaners for dissent as early as possible. As for coaches tell them you'll report them for their noise as well. Use the FULLY power at your disposal