One of those days


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
2 games today. First game a county cup semi final at U13's.
No issues for 26 minutes. Blue challenges grey;s keeper who lands on him... This was followed by a massive crack and scream of pain :confused: Cue wait for ambulance. 50 minutes later he's high on morphine and off to A&E, great 999 response from NHS Wales! 10 minutes and the paramedic is there :) Player off to hospital game continues although a bit dull for a while.
Game this afternoon. Morning delay means I'm late, we kicked off 10 mins late, not great but nvm. Cue one of the worst games for moaning and niggly fouls... 2 stupid penalties given away, 5 cautions and then a red after the whistle for 2nd bookable :/ Although the assessor was very happy by the sounds of things :)
Just been a manic day, everything going wrong in every possible way!
A&H International