

New Member
Level 5 Referee
Here is the situation (hoping you guys get the picture):
Corner kick, the defending team clears the ball, however a defender remains on the ground, the ref does not stop the play. The defense pushes up leaving the “injured” player behind. The attacking team then recovers and keeps attacking; a through ball is then played. The defending team plays them offside, however the AR does not signal because the defender was lying down behind the offside line. The attacking team scores.
Should the goal be allowed?
A&H International
You mean the prone player was the second last defender, and ”played” the attacker onside?

Yes, goal.

The only exception would be if the prone player left the field of play and this was acknowledged/permitted by the referee.

Big but is... no referee wants this scenario and, unless ”we” think the prone player is feigning we will try to stop play as soon as the ball is cleared.
Goooooaaaaaaaaal *whips off shirt and jumps into crowd doing some elaborate hand gestures from young-peoples-music*
This exact scenario happened in a Premier League game just recently. I can't remember the teams but a defender was down injured and an attacker, seeing him there, moved forward past the second last upright defender and called for the ball. He received the pass and went on to score. The goal was correctly allowed because the injured defender was playing the opponent onside.