Offside - Deliberate Play?

A&H International
Isn't that just absolute ****e attempt to clear?
Yes. I think I would have had that as a deliberate play with the new guidance.

BUT - I think that football expects offside here imo. And it has done for a very long time.

Usually respect Dale Johnson's explanations but I am struggling to make sense of the last part of the thread:

I don't really see how whom the ball goes to first changes how deliberate a play this is, or not.
He's saying it goes to number 4 the direction of the ball would've been changed by the play.
He's saying it goes to number 4 the direction of the ball would've been changed by the play.
But that is n‘t one of the criteria that I recall. Am I forgetting somethin?

Yes. I think I would have had that as a deliberate play with the new guidance.

BUT - I think that football expects offside here imo. And it has done for a very long time.

Usually respect Dale Johnson's explanations but I am struggling to make sense of the last part of the thread:

I don't really see how whom the ball goes to first changes how deliberate a play this is, or not.
I’m geo blocked on the video, so I can only see the still. From the still it looks hard for me to see how it could be a deflection instead of a deliberate play under the new guidance (which is more forgiving for defenders than the guidance of the few years prior, when it would unambiguously have been a “play”). I’ve said before that I think the newest guidance on play vs deflection is much more fair, but it is also much more subjective. And IMO, the videos that were released leave a huge chasm between what is a play and a deflection where a player is attempting to make a play—and referees are going to vary quite a bit on how they see plays in that gray area.

I think the problem with applying what football expects to OS is that IFAB/FIFA keep tweaking it so much that what most fans/players expect is simply wrong. I still see so many people still expect OS calls on the attacker who doesn’t get involved in what today is defined as active play—what would have been OS 30 years ago.
A bit torn on this one. He sees the ball coming from a long distance away, but he is stretching to play it, and I wouldn't mind betting it was on his weaker foot. Putting the flag up is in effect rewarding poor defensive play, but I'm not sure if IFAB would see that as a controlled play.
Happy with this being offside.

Ball at pace, not on the ground, stretching for the ball. Little to no chance of controlling it.