Official Sports UK Ceasing Trading

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Well im not sure about everybody else but when I ever need any kit or any refereeing bits I always go to Official Sports . Now if the rumours are anything to go by then they are no longer trading ? Its a damned shame so what id like to ask now is where else is there thats cheap enough.
A&H International
Only options really are A and H or the RA. I've always worn umbro kit, so A and H have always got my business

Precision training aren't too expensive either although not the best quality
Ive never used them before but will be sure to give them a try out so thanks
I buy most clothing from A&H, but almost all other equipement, appart from the new touchline flags - wich are immensse, I buy from OS. Its always a shame to see a business go under, and I'm sure it must be very difficult in such a specific and relativly small market. Would there not be some kind of whay that OS USA could maybe bail them out or something?
The worst part of it all is there was no warning or any sign of it happening and all of a sudden the site is down for maintanance.
I must admitt, I never bought an OS kit, but everything else, especially their match report sheets were pretty sound.
I think the only thing i bought from OS were some Under Armour sweat bands, and one of the Italian style referee wallets, still its sad to see them closing though
I have a gift voucher from OS and still had some credit on it then all of a sudden it falls
To be honest, i doubt it, but no harm in asking is there?
As Much as I agree I still think its bad that people have money left on GV's that they cannot use
Wonder how many people have outstanding orders with them?
Gents when you have the full story then comment however I am sure OS will be making a public statement soon.
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