Observation No. 2 (Level 7 to 6)

Ref Luke 2203

Active Member
Level 5 Referee
Second observation today. Went fairly well. I felt I did okay, wasnt my best performance but had control throughout.

Match itself ended 2-0 to away team. No cards or major incidents really. Quite scrappy in parts with niggly careless fouls.

So positives first. Signalling and general game management was good. Clear and decisive. Decisions explained (even if explanations werent always accepted by players). Handling of injurys was good. 2 head injuries both stopped play immediately and allowed assessment whilst stepping away. Player sent off to be treated. Other injuries where trainer wasnt required also handled well. Application of law was very good. Identifying fouls and misconduct and giving correct restart but having understanding with players and communicating well.

Improvements to be made include handling of dissent. One player had a few outbursts. More from frustration but was told maybe could of been handled instead of just talking whilst passing, especially on second occurance, to slow it down and even include captain if player isnt in right mind frame to listen. No cards required just ensure I am clearly on top of it.

Second point, positioning to make it easier for myself. Tried to predict play and get ahead but also caught often moving that few seconds too late so I am catching up with play. Need to just read play a little quicker. Also free kicks in defensive areas. Instead of standing to ensure position of the ball then moving into position, move into position then use voice and whistle to direct positioning.

Lastly, and most importantly for me, FITNESS!!! It is improving slowly but fitness will help a lot with positioning. Sprints were good but could of gone that extra bit which could be done with ease if fitter.

A few niggling points also noted, such as the way I checked boots and jewelry and whistle technic. First was a preference thing really. Whistle technic was loud and clear. Good whistling but a bit monotone. Longer whistles needed for some fouls and to get attention at times.

Finally, funny moment. I walk over to away team to check jewelry and boots. I spot a player wearing a ring and ask him to remove it. He asked to tape it. I said sorry but no, and no exceptions for wedding rings. He inists last weeks ref said taping is fine and said he will accept what i said but check with my assessor!!! I told him he can get the second opinion. Assessor told him same as me and he admitted defeat whilst looking a plonker. Assessor could see i knew the laws and stuck with decisions from the start. Win win for me.

Review over!
A&H International
Second observation today. Went fairly well. I felt I did okay, wasnt my best performance but had control throughout.

Match itself ended 2-0 to away team. No cards or major incidents really. Quite scrappy in parts with niggly careless fouls.

So positives first. Signalling and general game management was good. Clear and decisive. Decisions explained (even if explanations werent always accepted by players). Handling of injurys was good. 2 head injuries both stopped play immediately and allowed assessment whilst stepping away. Player sent off to be treated. Other injuries where trainer wasnt required also handled well. Application of law was very good. Identifying fouls and misconduct and giving correct restart but having understanding with players and communicating well.

Improvements to be made include handling of dissent. One player had a few outbursts. More from frustration but was told maybe could of been handled instead of just talking whilst passing, especially on second occurance, to slow it down and even include captain if player isnt in right mind frame to listen. No cards required just ensure I am clearly on top of it.

Second point, positioning to make it easier for myself. Tried to predict play and get ahead but also caught often moving that few seconds too late so I am catching up with play. Need to just read play a little quicker. Also free kicks in defensive areas. Instead of standing to ensure position of the ball then moving into position, move into position then use voice and whistle to direct positioning.

Lastly, and most importantly for me, FITNESS!!! It is improving slowly but fitness will help a lot with positioning. Sprints were good but could of gone that extra bit which could be done with ease if fitter.

A few niggling points also noted, such as the way I checked boots and jewelry and whistle technic. First was a preference thing really. Whistle technic was loud and clear. Good whistling but a bit monotone. Longer whistles needed for some fouls and to get attention at times.

Finally, funny moment. I walk over to away team to check jewelry and boots. I spot a player wearing a ring and ask him to remove it. He asked to tape it. I said sorry but no, and no exceptions for wedding rings. He inists last weeks ref said taping is fine and said he will accept what i said but check with my assessor!!! I told him he can get the second opinion. Assessor told him same as me and he admitted defeat whilst looking a plonker. Assessor could see i knew the laws and stuck with decisions from the start. Win win for me.

Review over!
Thanks for sharing. Useful for those of us preparing for the same thing. Do you think your two assessments thus far have been of the required standard?
Thanks for sharing. Useful for those of us preparing for the same thing. Do you think your two assessments thus far have been of the required standard?

Both observations so far I have been "standard expected" and was told by the observer if I carry on with similar performances and take onboard advice I will meet the level 7 to 6 criteria. Of cause club marks also make a difference.

Both games were not particuarly challenging matches to control and especially this latest match. I performed well in each although especially noted I missed a few things in the last match. My main issue is fitness. This had been noted twice now and I know if this improves my overall performance will improve.

If you get the simple things right (mainly general game control and application of law) and you will be ok for levels 7 to 6. Dont forget pre match checks, discussions with club assistants, use clear signals and both voice and whistle communication. Getting a decision wrong is acceptable. Mistakes happen. Incorrectly applying laws (giving DFK instead of IDFK for example) will be noted.
One bit of that advice is a bit out of date. Predict play yes, but don't get ahead of play, the phrase that is used a lot is "sweeping up behind play". Obviously if there is a goal kick or defensive free kick you get ahead of play as you need to be at the drop zone, but as play builds up through midfield you generally shouldn't be ahead of it. Partly because you might get in the way, but also you don't have a full picture as you'll be facing away from goal as play develops. Also, if you get too far ahead of play and possession changes you are going to be hopelessly out of position.
One bit of that advice is a bit out of date. Predict play yes, but don't get ahead of play, the phrase that is used a lot is "sweeping up behind play". Obviously if there is a goal kick or defensive free kick you get ahead of play as you need to be at the drop zone, but as play builds up through midfield you generally shouldn't be ahead of it. Partly because you might get in the way, but also you don't have a full picture as you'll be facing away from goal as play develops. Also, if you get too far ahead of play and possession changes you are going to be hopelessly out of position.
I think positioning is tricky at L7 because the play is chaotic and it's not uncommon for me to be doing acrobatics avoiding the ball. However, i'd intuitively realized the basics of getting behind the play. I think of it as a transition in which the ball is played forward and i fall in behind. Like @Ref Luke 2203 , i need to be fitter. Not because i can't do the sprints or the endurance, but i don't think and communicate clearly when fatigued
One bit of that advice is a bit out of date. Predict play yes, but don't get ahead of play.
Getting ahead of the play during a counter attack is good... the trick is to use different running styles so that you're still aware of what's going on. As the counter moves up field, the referee should let it catch up and overtake them. This means (typically) that the referee doesn't need to run as much, and thus can preserve fitness through to the end of the match.

Of course... it's a skill that requires a LOT of CORRECT reading of the play. Something that not a lot of lower level match officials (and players) seem to be all that good at... unfortunately.
Getting ahead of the play during a counter attack is good... the trick is to use different running styles so that you're still aware of what's going on. As the counter moves up field, the referee should let it catch up and overtake them. This means (typically) that the referee doesn't need to run as much, and thus can preserve fitness through to the end of the match.

Of course... it's a skill that requires a LOT of CORRECT reading of the play. Something that not a lot of lower level match officials (and players) seem to be all that good at... unfortunately.

Not sure what level you are Alex, but at L3 and above it would be seen as a no no, certainly was anyway until I quit 2 years ago.
In such a scrappy game like I had reading play was hard. One moment a counter attack could be on then next the player ran into the only defender near him who played a long ball over the top. At the same time I think a better general position would help. Give me a scenario and a white board I will know where i should be at each phase of play. Putting it into practice is much harder.

It was noted that i seem to move then stop and observe before moving again and that i should be on the move constantly moving gradually whilst looking at play instead of more shorter sprints.

On fitness I find concentration okay but maybe I am 5 to 10 yards further away in the 80th minute. I make good sprints but due to fitness tend to pull up short instead in case of a break so its easier. At this level thats not much of a problem but going up the ranks thats a big issue. Positioning should leave am exit for any scenario or break but that shouldnt affect decision making. Best position is the one where you make the right call as they say.

And thank you all for the advice. On that note, with regards to fitness (which did improve since last observation but still not there) what else do people recommend? I often work on cardio alongside leg strength exercises such as squats, one legged lunges and lifts as recommended by my physio. Trying to diet also so theres less of me to carry. Any other tips appreciated!
Not sure what level you are Alex, but at L3 and above it would be seen as a no no, certainly was anyway until I quit 2 years ago.
Goes to show that what's encouraged in one country seems to be disliked in another...

Heh. Consistency. :)
One bit of that advice is a bit out of date. Predict play yes, but don't get ahead of play, the phrase that is used a lot is "sweeping up behind play".

It's funny to read the different styles around the world. Here in the US were now being told to get ahead of play when it's in the middle third of the field. Also the big focus is getting away from the diagonal when play is near your ARs.
I don't see how using a one size fits all approach can be beneficial in teaching positioning.

Being able to read play is critical. It must be used to get the best balanced outcome for current and next phase of play. The position for that depends on both the current play and next play. Ability to know that balanced position is just as critical as being able to read play. Some simple examples here.

In current play ball is with defenders in back third. You know opponents don't press high. Next play is likely a long ball to one of the wingers. Best position is probably between second and last third on the diagonal. If opponents tend to press high then half way line is a better position.

Ball at keeper's feet. No challengers, best position on the half way line. Striker starts running in from 20 yards to challege, don't just assume keeper will boot it upfield before being challenged (so half way line is still the best position). For a best balanced position get closer just in case that one in a hundred chance challenge happens so you don't call a possible pen from the half was line.

The best position for a current play corner kick is on the goal line. But the high chance of a next phase of long clearance or counter attack makes the best balanced position close to the 18 yard line.