not the chat i was expecting

richard ramjane

RefChat Addict
local inter league friendly yesterday, blues v reds, blues lose 0-5.
blues i'd encountered previously, reds never seen before.
one penalty, one caution for blues, and an impromptu drinks break halfway into to second half, firstly as it was hot, and secondly things were getting a bit tetchy and i wanted to talk to the captains and give them a couple of minutes to think about what was happening and how the rest of the game should be conducted.
after the final whistle, assistant manager for blue wanders over,so i'm preparing myself mentally for his questions... however, he just said i'd had a good game. a little more chit chat and to cut a long story short,he wants to play for my vets team next season.... my first managerial signing ! :)
A&H International
There is a disturbance in the force... Perhaps a misconduct report should be considered. And go back in time and abandon the match. You know, just in case.

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