North Macedonia v England

I can’t get my head around how not one, but two, professional referees can look at that challenge and conclude that it was a penalty. Horrendous decision.

It would be great to hear the audio but no doubt they are focusing on the swinging arm into the players face. Reading Lewis didn't mean it but intent is irrelevant. It's like when we see 2 players jumping for the ball and there is a swinging arm and we see fouls get given, obviously because it's in the penalty area there is more consequence so it becomes an issue.

It's the classic I expect it to be given in UEFA and most leagues in Europe but I be surprised if an PL VAR gets involved.

One thing I would say, if the ref did give it on field, would you expect VAR to overturn it and basing on what?
A&H International
I think that is more about his extremely aggressive behaviour towards players, it really doesn't look good.
It’s not my style personally, but a lot of people claim they want referees to be more like that nowadays. However then the moment a referee is confrontational people realise they don’t like it.
I think that is more about his extremely aggressive behaviour towards players, it really doesn't look good.
I think you’re over-rating Joe Cole’s intelligence. You’re not wrong, but I’m quite sure he just meant the penalty incident 😂
Look, I don’t want to go in to hard, but that’s a pretty poor decision from the linesman to award that goal in the first place. He’s in perfect position and he’s a good half a yard off! 🤣 not a great night for the officials
That goal is a very good example of why Wenger’s proposed offside rule, (as mentioned in another thread), would be absolute nonsense.
If Elmas wasn't cautioned earlier, he would have got one then.
Obviously wasn't being shown the replay for the supposed handball shout.
Refs probably feeling the heat and making more mistakes under so much pressure.
He's hard man stance at the beginning is waining too..
He’s definitely not had his best game ever…

A fair point. And to note I’ve deleted a few posts. We all have bad days, and deserve criticism.

But be objective with it, please. Some of the comments we wouldn’t accept being levelled at ourselves.
A fair point. And to note I’ve deleted a few posts. We all have bad days, and deserve criticism.

But be objective with it, please. Some of the comments we wouldn’t accept being levelled at ourselves.
Apologies if it comes across that way. Of course I don’t want to come across as presenting a subjective opinion.

From an objective point of view though he had definitely made better decisions in other games. I’ve no doubt he’s a top class official, better than anyone on here but he’s been put in the thick of quite an intimidating atmosphere.
Dion Dublin saying it wasn't a foul on Foden.
Yet I'm wondering why a card wasn't given as I feel he made zero attempt for the ball but was reckless in his challenge.
Dion Dublin saying it wasn't a foul on Foden.
Yet I'm wondering why a card wasn't given as I feel he made zero attempt for the ball but was reckless in his challenge.
The entire Channel 4 production tonight has been dreadful. So much focus on the referee and not enough on the fact that England just played quite poorly.