Nor v Man City - VAR?


Well-Known Member
I give up with VAR.

Arm up..... ✅
Controlled the ball ✅
Gained possession of the ball ✅
Denied an attack ✅

No penalty.

Seems VAR is playing football god.
A&H International
I didn't think it was a penalty personally, certainly not based on how the PL have interpreted handball over the past few seasons.
I give up with VAR.

Arm up..... ✅
Controlled the ball ✅
Gained possession of the ball ✅
Denied an attack ✅

No penalty.

Seems VAR is playing football god.
This isn't an issue with VAR, it's an issue with individual NFAs deciding that they know better than the lawmakers and continuing to do what they always have, even though the changes were made specifically because what was being done wasn't correct or consistent.
Video review systems work when you get the politics out of the way and let it be developed, as other sports have shown with their experience. Until football gets that through its collective head, VAR will reflect the same problems that appear everywhere in the game.
Back in June I was slated when I said that the EPL would not be using pitchside monitors.


I must admit that I would love to have been proven wrong because the way VAR has been implemented by PGMOL is an absolute joke.
Without going through all of it, I am fairly certain what you were saying (or implicating) was that EPL 'will not have' OFR, not that they will have it but not use it. Two different things.
Without going through all of it, I am fairly certain what you were saying (or implicating) was that EPL 'will not have' OFR, not that they will have it but not use it. Two different things.

I’m reminded of a ref who told me of being assessed and criticized for not wearing two watches. For her next assessment, she borrowed a second watch. When the lender started to explain how it worked, she told him not to bother as she was wearing it, not using it. Do w know those touchline monitors are actually connected to anything?:angel:
What for, we still haven't established when this mystery handball happened.

Doesn't surprise me.

Stones had his hands up in the air on a corner. Ball hit them (raised and unnatural position).
Not only that. It essentially controlled the ball to drop at his feet and for his team mate to clear.

Oh, and stopped a possible goal scoring opportunity....
Doesn't surprise me.

Stones had his hands up in the air on a corner. Ball hit them (raised and unnatural position).
Not only that. It essentially controlled the ball to drop at his feet and for his team mate to clear.

Oh, and stopped a possible goal scoring opportunity....
Stopping a GSO is not a criteria for assessing HB
Creating one is though haha
Did a game this morning. First time I've seen teams who knew why my HB decision varied according to attack/defence
I've seen this cause chaos in games I've been on the line for this season
Stopping a GSO is not a criteria for assessing HB
Creating one is though haha
Did a game this morning. First time I've seen teams who knew why my HB decision varied according to attack/defence
I've seen this cause chaos in games I've been on the line for this season

Yeah i know. Just added that in for the exact reason you've just mentioned.

City had THAT goal disallowed for it brushing someone's arm.

LOTG are a mess right now.
I can't think of many occasions when a player could handle the ball and stop a goal scoring opportunity without it being deliberate, and therefore an offence.
I give up with VAR.

Arm up..... ✅
Controlled the ball ✅
Gained possession of the ball ✅
Denied an attack ✅

No penalty.

Seems VAR is playing football god.

The 'arm up' part of that is the only element that seems to relate to the current handball law for a defender. I'm not sure the other parts are relevant?