Review nike kit vs macron county fa kit

ref craig

RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
does anyone from my county fa thought on what kit they are having for 2013/14 im still wandering what to get iver this years nike kit which people are saying its to thin but im looking at the birmingham county fa kit which is the macron kit.
A&H International
a word of advice i was speaking to David Nixon about 2 months ago as i told him i needed a new kit and i asked him about the Macron kit the county was promoting his exact words to me were don't bother its a load of rubbish go for the Nike i have it its a nice kit but dont buy from A&H its cheaper elsewhere by about £20..
I have been tipped off that the RA will be selling the Nike Kit at a cheap price once the RA Conference has taken place, however I am not sure how reliable that information is.
yes and no steve, yes they are going to sell it but they have to order through another company as Nike wont licence them to sell it direct. but i have been told it will be cheaper than A&H
I will stick to the old Umbro kits and RA kits I have I think, I cant see the point in buy new kit every year just to be in with the latest referee fashion. If I was on the Contib then its a different story.
Ordered my new referees kit for 2013/14 £54 altogether not bad considering if I brought it normally £80 odd for it
My Nike shorts arrived today. I hate the dryfit (?drifit) material! Same as their running shorts. Always looks creased. Also what is the point of the back pocket? Not going to be able to get my red card in there, it's tiny!

Shirt is coming Monday.
Well it the price we gotta pay for an experiment al kit just hope next year when the Football Asscoiation speaks with nike that we get an improved double pocket scheme and the back pockets get bigger and put in better position and I've gotta wait 3 weeks before I can get my hands on my full kit
I don't usually go for the latest kit as like Steve, I don't feature on the Contrib, however I went for the Nike kit and it is far superior to anything I have worn in the last 13 years, although I didn't manage to get hold of a Respect kit before it sold out in my size. The zip pocket compensates for the shorts pocket and sizings are generous (which helps an old prop forward).

P.S. Mine came from a well known internet trading company eBay and even after postage was £20 cheaper than A&H
I am still waiting for the shirt to arrive, but your words on the shirt do make me a little more optimistic Brian. Being a larger fellow myself, a generous size shirt is great! Nothing worse than having a shirt that is too short (which was my problem with the umbro respect shirt)!
I've still gotta buy the long sleeve top to the Nike kit for the winter weather the only peace of kit I might keep is my shower jacket from the respect kit and just use my Umbro diamond shorts and socks from last season
I solved the long sleeve/short sleeve question by purchasing short sleeves ref top but long sleeve under armour cold gear compression top!!!! Now that bad boy will keep you warm in the winter months! Very, very highly recommended. The best bit of ref kit I have ever bought. Seriously.

Also I have under armour compression shorts in heat and cold gear variety. Amazeballs. Never used that phrase before, but it just feels right for this topic! (Even if it is off topic...)