
andy love

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Has anyone here, ever dreamt about officiating at a big game?

Well I did last night, and I had fergi saying he is not having me officiating, I asked why and he said because of the shocking penalties i have given away. But in this dream I was only an assistant, and apparently half the stadium was after my blood.

I woke up in sweat and just trying to make sense of it really.
A&H International
Yes, I've had some but none about professional refereeing; they've only ever been nights or a few nights prior to big games that I've been actually reffing and when I wake up, I usually wonder how I could have better handled the situation in my dream! It's a bit neurotic, really.
That's the thing though, I don't have a big game coming up, and the penalty I am going on about were in my early games!
I think it is because of the news that fergi got in there, as he is a big Mardy (censored). And I think I may of been worried as yesterday was my first game since, dec the 8th.
O I never even got a game in my dream so nothing to learn from really, other than how to run away from angry fans.
