New Years resolutions


RefChat Addict
So, as we near the end of 2017 now comes the obligatory new year resolution thread.

What are people’s refereeing (or otherwise) resolutions for the new year?

Some of mine are refereeing related, some join in nicely but aren’t specific to refereeing:

1. Improve my fitness and lose some weight. This isn’t just for refereeing, but will help.
2. Take my refereeing more seriously. Which does involve improving fitness, but also for the 18/19 season I’ll be going for my level 5 again, and as I started a new job in October which is much closer to home I’ll also register with some different leagues so I can get some higher level assistant appointments, and get into the swing of things for my eventual attempt at 5-4.
A&H International
Run another marathon..

My mum ran her first half marathon this year at 73.

I used to love running, and cross country was my thing when I was in the Army, sadly persistent niggles prevented me from doing any distance of more than 8 miles or so.

I do have my eye on some triathlon training in the new year, but I’m a very weak swimmer
My mum ran her first half marathon this year at 73.

I used to love running, and cross country was my thing when I was in the Army, sadly persistent niggles prevented me from doing any distance of more than 8 miles or so.

I do have my eye on some triathlon training in the new year, but I’m a very weak swimmer
Yes that does triathlon for me, was useful on a pedal cycle though...
Join a running club.

I returned to refereeing from illness (4 years) and one of the ways I rehabilitated was via weightlifting. The illness was to do with my lungs, so cardio was off-limits. Now I've returned to refereeing heavier, it's had quite an impact on my legs. So, I figure a running club might coach me to run better, and will help with the cardio aspect as well.

Mind you, I'm out for all of January with post-op recovery so I won't be doing anything until February anyway!

For refereeing;

Continue to improve. I also promise to do an online test every week just to keep my knowledge up to date, and to challenge any bad habits I've picked up over the season.

I'll also continue my mission to stamp out dissent. I'm very happy this season, I've been tackling it firmly and it's been doing wonders. I'm older now, so I'm noticing more keenly how my decisions are affecting the game/players more than back when I was a bit wet behind the ears.

Oh and secure re-promotion. I voluntarily took several demotions due to the aforementioned illness. So I'm hoping to get back to where I was in the rankings within the next two or three seasons. Fingers crossed. :)