New Ref


New Member
Hi all

Ive been stalking the forums for a bit in preparation for my course which I completed this weekend. 90% in my physical and 100% in my theory. Hopefully this translates over to a live match!

Nervous before my first game and hope it goes well. Any additional advice is always welcome! :)
A&H International
Welcome to the forum.

Nerves are good. Shows that you care. One simple advice; be confidant (I know, easier said than done). Two of the easier ways you can show it, use strong whistle tones and use body language that matches and sells your decision. E.g. a bent elbow for a free kick or throw in signal says you are not sure, but a straight elbow with sharp arm movement says you are sure about the decision. Same thing with your whistle tone.

Good luck in your game and see well.