The Ref Stop

Open Age national cup matchp

ref craig

RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Hi all next Sunday I will be doing a national cup game which is adults but I haven't reffed a middle for adults in a year how do you think I should go about this match
The Ref Stop
Any reason why you haven't done an adult game for a year? Sorry to answer a question with a question, seems a relevant bit of info.
Well 2 seasons ago I was on an adults league but due to poor marks I was taken off it and I can't get back on it I'm on 2 adult leagues right now and one refs sec does not think I'm ready while hopefully this season I'm hoping to get a few middles under my belt so at moment I'm very unlucky
I see.

This Is just another game. Approach it as you would any other game you have done this season; nice and confident and positive. Have confidence in your abilities. Enjoy the experience!

And remember to Brush up on any tournament specific rules before hand!