Junior/Youth My first 2 card of season

ref craig

RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Very tasty game from start to finish claret vs yellow blue.

The game after 15 20 mins starts heating up, I've already warned this player for his challenges when he then comes in with another recklace challenge so I put him to one side while I get manager/ physio, so I caution him for persistent infringement.

Now 2nd half :

I'm still being proactive with them trying to keep recklace tackles down. Then comes the last 6 mins of game a player from clarets after a goal decides to start having pop at his dad who is my linesman but of course he does not win with his dad so next closest person is me so he starts giving me dissent but at the end of his rant he calls me a cheat so I show him red card and dismiss him from field of play and I was doing well up till then.
A&H International
Sounds to me like you were doing well with the red card also .. don't be too hard on yourself when you've tried your best to keep players in the right head space and they just don't listen!
Sounds spot on. I hate giving out red cards, but a small part of me is waiting to have someone call me a cheat. I would love to just whip a red out for that!
I've started that as well as I hate showing a red card but if it leaves me with no choice than so be it
Sounds spot on. I hate giving out red cards, but a small part of me is waiting to have someone call me a cheat. I would love to just whip a red out for that!
If part of you would love that, let the thought of a misconduct report make you reconsider! :p
Sounds spot on. I hate giving out red cards, but a small part of me is waiting to have someone call me a cheat. I would love to just whip a red out for that!

I've started that as well as I hate showing a red card but if it leaves me with no choice than so be it

Why do you hate giving out Red cards?

I've never understood why referees are so reluctant to apply the LOTG or see the Red card as some sort of failure on their part? If the offence is a Red card offence, then it gets a Red card....no if's, no but's, no trying to "manage" it out.....just do what you are being paid for and show the damn card.
Padfoot, I see where you're coming from there, and it's a perfectly valid point for some referees. However, I personally hate giving out reds. Not because I'm reluctant to apply the LOTG - but because I enjoy the spectacle of football. The emotion and the enjoyment of the players really can be seen while in the middle. When a player ruins this by causing the referee to take action, it's just bad for the game as a whole. This DOES NOT mean I'll fail to take action, but it just makes me wonder after the game if there is anything else I could have done to manage the situation and keep them on the pitch. Plus typing out the misconduct report is a bore :p
And yea I'm in same vote unless it dissent or player swears at me that why I use proactive to keep players from a yellow card
@Padfoot I officiate therefore I enjoy applying the LOTG, it's my job. But I've seen what effect giving out a red card can have on a game, which is a shame. But I don't go out looking to avoid it if needed. Despite sometimes we have to give stupid cards to stupid players, I've never known anyone go out on a Sunday morning if they are refereeing gagging to bring out the red. Nor do I know any players that really really want to get went off before the start of play.
Sorry, but all of those reasons sound like they could be used to justify not taking the correct action for a red card offence.

If a player commits a red card offence, it is not our job to second guess the LOTG or the sanction by considering whether applying the LOTG will have a detrimental effect on the "spectacle" or whether we will be more popular by "managing" the situation.

IMHO this is where referees start to lose control of games......where they try to "manage" out situations that need cards or they are reluctant to use cards "too early"........i'm all in favour of being proactive, as long as it doesn't cross the line into becoming an alternative to a card when it's needed.

I don't like giving out red cards, but i have no hesitation in doing so when required. If the game is "spoilt" by that then so be it......blame the idiot player that is walking off the pitch, not the referee who has simply done what they are being paid to do.
I have only ever regretted one red card, the rest are consigned to the memory bin pretty much the minute i hit the "submit" button on WGS.
Padfoot I have no hesitation never if proactive don't work and management don't work then If it means dishing cards out like confetti then so be it
I don't like giving out red cards, but i have no hesitation in doing so when required. If the game is "spoilt" by that then so be it......blame the idiot player that is walking off the pitch, not the referee who has simply done what they are being paid to do.

Thanks for essentially saying the exact same thing as I did. ;)