"My ball" "leave it"


RefChat Addict
I was having this argument with my brother today (plays for a League 1 Academy) and he was adamant that every time a player shouts "mine" "my ball" "leave it" that it is a IDFK.

Now, I hear players and coaches appealing for it all the time, but I have never come across a referee giving it / any mention in LOTG / any 'official' stance on it.

My question is, do you give a foul for it? If so, how do you restart and do you give a YC?
Would you take a different approach to it in regards to senior and junior football?
A&H International
When I have been playing (youth), we have always been told by managers and referees to shout your name, not "Mine", or "Leave it". There have been incidents where an IDKF has been awarded for a player shout "Mine", or "Leave it", or something similar, instead of their name.

I haven't found it in the LOTG.

I also believe you can award an IDFK for shouting things like "BOO!" when a player is just about to shoot with a one on one.
I wouldn't YC for it, and would just leave it, if I gave it at all.
I would stop the game for IDFK and yellow for USB if it was a really obvious shout to distract an opponent and was hard to argue with. Shout like "mine" etc. I would say are perfectly legal, whereas very loud vocal infringement directed at a player as a means of distraction should be penalised.

Having said that, in over 200 games I've never even came close to awarding it, with maybe 2 or 3 idiots claiming for it but being quickly told where to go.
Sure, I can understand if a player a few yards away shouts "mine" to deceive and opponent. What I can't understand is coaches going mental when a player genuinely shouts "mine" to let his team mates know its his ball. what different is that to "Joe's ball" for example.
It's covered in the LOTG as USB 'to deceive or distract and opponent'.

Very difficult to ascertain, and it would have to obviously distract an opponent.

As a kid playing, I was always told to 'put a name on it' under the belief that it would be an IDFK shouting 'Mine'. Referees did often give it back then.
There are some things in the LotG that no one wants or expects you to enforce unless it is so blatantly obvious that you are given little option, and to enforce these things in any other circumstance just causes yourself problems. Examples from the top of my head would be:

- Goalkeeper holding the ball for more than 6 seconds
- encroachment on a penalty kick
- incorrectly taken throw-ins
- some backpass decisions - although an obvious backpass decision is very rare in any case

I imagine that shouting to distract an opponent during open play would fall well into this category, especially when it comes to trying to "sell" the decision.
I was always told that if a player says to you about the time the keeper is taking when holding the ball to wave at the keeper and shout come on 3, 4, 5, 6, but take a couple of seconds to say each number if he/she is still holding the ball then blow for the free kick. I have yet to come across a keeper who was still holding the ball.

As for foul throws, it depends on the age of the players and how bad an infringment it is, they have to learn to play the game correctly, if its a sligh infringement then by all means let it go for youth football, if it is clearly a foul throw for everyone and his dog to see you have to give the throw the other way. With that said it has to be a blatant foul throw for me.