Moving from Australia to U.K (2 years)

Hornsea Ref

New Member
Level 4 Referee
Hey guys,

In two years, I will be moving back to the East Riding of Yorkshire but I was wondering if there was the possibility of starting at a higher level rather then Level 10. I have been refereeing for 6 months so far, but, because of my performances, I am currently assistant refereeing at the National Premier League (2nd Division) and the WA State Leagues, (3rd and 4th division). In two years, I will be most likely refereeing at these levels so, obviously, a drop to local games will be a significant plummet for me,

Can anyone shed some light on transferring to the English League System,

Thanks very much,

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A&H International
Yeah speak to steve lazenby, he will be the best guy to help you. His email address is on the link above, also if you phone the office he is normally there to talk and will help work something out.

This is no disrespect to you but I imagine that the Australian divisions of football are of a lower standard than the English ones. I understand that you may be the best referee in Australia but to become a division 2 assistant within 6 months of starting it would be a massive and unheard of jump in the UK. I know refereeing at grassroots level would be a shock and a disapointment to you but that might be what you have to do. On the other hand they might do an equivalent transfer to say level 6 or 5, if not you would be entering the system as a new ref at level 7 not level 10. If you do have to drop to a level 7 you can get an advanced promotion to level 5 if you wish, in 1 season, providing that you meet the criteria.

I hope these comments aren't taken the wrong way but there is no other way for me to phrase them.

Good luck, I hope it all works out :)
Didn't realise there were any other referees from WA on here :p I believe I'm yet to work with you :p
If you're not moving back here for another 2 yrs, why don't you just concentrate on your refereeing over there and stop worrying about whether you'll be too good for grassroots football over here?

If I was a cynical bloke I could say that your post is more about 'look at me, hiw good am I?', than about transferring back to UK.

Good job I'm not that cynical though........
And as ever, padfoot misses the point...

The point is that someone who has been refereeing for 6 months will be moving to the UK in 2 years time and is worried because they may have become such a superb referee, refereeing at the highest levels of Australian football, they will be far too good to have to mess about with grassroots football in this country and would much prefer to jump straight into the professional game setup.

Now....what did i miss?
Not like you to be so cynical, Padfoot! :D

Like others have said, keep refereeing as you are and don't worry about transferring yet. After all, you won't be moving for two years. Definitely best to get in touch with the FA with any questions.
Ah Padfoot, I was not implying nor attempting to state that at all. I only mentioned that I have been refereeing for six months to lay all the variables on the table into what level I could referee at back in England. if anything, it worsens my position and reputation as it shows my relative inexperience. My intentions with my message is to get details in whether I can transfer based on my Australian experiences or if I will have to start from the bottom once I move back to the U.K as this area has not been delved into at all; not to show off :p
If you're not moving back here for another 2 yrs, why don't you just concentrate on your refereeing over there and stop worrying about whether you'll be too good for grassroots football over here?

If I was a cynical bloke I could say that your post is more about 'look at me, hiw good am I?', than about transferring back to UK.

Good job I'm not that cynical though........