Most penalties you've ever given in a game?

Just out of interest, what is the most amount of penalties anyone has ever given in a single game?

This Sunday, I gave FOUR... two handballs, two fouls. Relatively few arguments which was bizarre so I must have got them right (or so stunningly wrong that everyone was shocked into silence ;) ). Bit strange really, as I can't have given five more fouls outside the area, really easy game to ref given the number of spot kicks...
A&H International
In 6 seasons, given 2 in a game twice (1 for each side).

First ever penalty was for a 2 footed knee high tackle from behind.... @ under 8s 7v7!! Most clear cut penalty decision you are ever likely to see, didn't stop me receiving a torrent of abuse from the away side's parents who were at that end of the pitch. According to them, I was making a complete idiot of myself! :confused::mad:
Been involved in a game where I think there was 5, was very bizarre I think there was even two DOGSO situations (one for either side) but not given as such to my surprise.
Had a couple where I've given 3. One match, 2 were for fouls against the same player who I earlier booked for diving....that went down well, lol.
Not too sure about a single game but on the first day of a tournament last summer I gave 6 in 3 games (40 minute matches) and was the only official to give one at any point that day.
3 trips, 1 holding
First 3 all for same team.
You can imagine how absolute nail on the third had to be for me to give it!
3, all against the same team, who I used to train with before becoming a referee.

Interestingly, I had no arguments about any of them
4. 1 to the home side, 3 to the away. The home and book-ending away penalties (1 & 3) were all for obvious trips. The 2nd away penalty for the most heinous act of violent conduct I have ever seen. Off the ball incident left an attacker on his back, and a defender sitting on him pinning his arms with his knees and smashing seven shades out of his face. :eek: Never seen anything like it before or since.
Most for me was 4 in 1 game all to the away side against my former club I used to play for, every one of them stone wall as well, not one argument
Did you send the yellow card in for adopting an aggressive manner Tealeaf?

No, in truth I missed what the sparking incident was, but it did get worse when the offender was caught playing whilst under suspension. The hearing was something else. Threats to the committee etc, all from a minor!
No, in truth I missed what the sparking incident was, but it did get worse when the offender was caught playing whilst under suspension. The hearing was something else. Threats to the committee etc, all from a minor!

Lol, threats to the committee.

'I didn't do it I swear, but if you find me guilty I'll break all your fudging noses"
And this was a youth player?

I feel sorry for the people who'll be reffing his games if/when he makes the step up to OA football.