Morocco vs Spain

It is not a misapplication of the Law. Very few referee signals are included in the Laws. Whistle for a PK. It can be argued that it was unclear what side it went over given the angle of the ball so the referee signaled for a corner on the left, changed his mind and allowed play to continue with a kick to the right. It's poor mechanics not an error in law. No appeal.
A&H International
Disagree. The ball goes out, on the left. The ref signalled left
And what point did you see him change his mind, (and convey this by signalling to the other side?)
Had he suddenly went, oh ok take it from there, then yes, no problem
At no point did he indicate corner from the right
There is a famous Scottish clip, 1987 i think it was, without checking
Ball goes out of play, half way line, clear throw to Rangers.
Scottish cup final
Ref signals throw to Rangers
Roy Aitken, captain of Celtic tho gets the ball, takes the throw, and from that move, Celtic score the winner!
Times fades the memory of whether thats exact what happened but am sure it did
I was going to say more or less the same thing. For me, the way that letter is written doesn't represent a very productive approach. If a team is going to complain about the one most notable decision that it thinks has cost it, going through multiple games and listing virtually every decision that they think has gone against them is only ever going to be counter-productive. Listing all the penalties a team thinks it should have had, all the yellow cards its opponents didn't get and claiming a Moroccan player got a yellow card he didn't deserve just makes it sound like sour grapes. Stick to the one main point - adding all the other things in just dilutes the argument.
In terms of addressing refereeing issues yes, it's counter productive but I suspect this has very little to do with refereeing.
This is a political play by the Morocco FA who have recently lost a bid to host the 2026 FIFA jamboree. In one way it's their way of letting off steam regarding the bid loss and in another it reminds Mr Infantino that they are still here and won't go quietly unless he pays attention. I'd suggest there will be increased investment in Morocco football by FIFA in the next few months and years ahead.