
A&H International
I've had three in a week, wouldn't want to do more and that was a one off too. For October I'm lined up for 9 middles and one Supply League line
I did 4 in a week on hard pitches which led to me doing something to my knee recently!!

Record is 6 in 9 days 2 seasons back at end of season. I was knackered after that!!!

2 a week is my new limit!!!
I think my record is 10 in a week (Satx2 Sun x2, Monday Tuesday Wednesday x3 and Thursday.

It was an April, I did 28 games during the month. I couldn't walk but I could run. It was bizarre
I regularly did 3 in a day last season. One 80 minutes in the morning and then two 90 minute games from 12pm. Usually the games were at different venues also so no rest in between. This season I can hardly walk after 1 game!!!!
Never done more than one in a day apart from a 9-a-side youth tournament. Regularly do a Saturday and a Sunday match in the same weekend though, plus the odd midweek game probably means my record is 3 in a week.
last season i found myself reffing and then playing on a saturday, then doing two games of a sunday....
i'm not doing that anymore (unless absolutely necessary) as i find my concentration lapses back end of each second game, and thats not fair on anyone really