Match Ratings


New Member
I thought this sub-forum would be the best place for this - apologies if it belongs better elsewhere.

At the end of each game I'll sign off a form confirming the result etc. On the form, the home & away manager will be able to give me a rating out of 10.

I assume this is the norm(?) - but is there any right for referees to have access to these ratings, or is it strictly for the league/refereeing secretary?

Also, what are the implications of these ratings? Could a RDO/secretary on here perhaps give some elaboration as to what can come from these - whether positive or negative?

I'm sure some will feel it's pointless anyway and might lead to you winding yourself up about certain decisions etc, but I think it'd be quite interesting to see how your own performance analysis matched up to that of the two teams.
A&H International
I'm sure some will feel it's pointless anyway and might lead to you winding yourself up about certain decisions etc, but I think it'd be quite interesting to see how your own performance analysis matched up to that of the two teams.
  • At local levels, they are pretty pointless.
  • No, you have no right to see them.
Teams like to be able to mark referees as a reflection of the referee's performance, and mark down as they feel. They are taken into account for promotion candidates, but more weight is given to the Observers' marks. Some leagues use them for Cup Final appointments.

At L4 and above, they are used to "band" referees into either quarters or 20% rating. These are more important as they do affect promotion or retention and the clubs don't tend to be as spiteful with marks because of one decision.
agree.... local levels will usually see the losing side mark you down, (to be ignored).... and the winning side mark you up.... (also to be ignored !)
My local leagues will provide me with an average mark over the season, to be compared with the league average, so that's nice for you to look at for 5 seconds before moving on... And as is mentioned above, they can be a factor in cup final appointments or promotion if you're a borderline candidate/miss assessments.
Generally club marks are a necessary evil. RefsSecs can't assess referees, so they need to know who the better referees are so that they can appoint the right referee to the bigger games (and this will become even more important if levels 6 and 7 are reclassified as level 5 as is planned). Also they need to know who to appoint to plum appointments such as cup finals, and again the only indicator they have here is club marks.

That said a good and experienced RefsSec will know when to disregard a mark that is clearly sour grapes. If it is below 61 the club has to send in a written report justifying the low mark, and that will generally tell you all you need to know. But equally if one referee is averaging 55 every week and another is averaging over 90 you do have an indicator who is the better referee. On the league that I was RefsSec on I've seen most of the referees in games, and in my experience over a season the clubs marks do more or less reflect the overall abilities of the referees. It isn't perfect, I accept that, but I can't see any other option as things stand.
Cheers for the responses guys. @RustyRef, forgive my ignorance but could you expand a little on the plans to reclassify level 6's & 7's. Must admit it's the first I've heard of it.