Match cards

A&H International
I did a game in a monsoon last season and it was fine in use, except that it got soaked in my shirt pocket and got wet that way (the rain was running into my pocket! It was crazy rain). Had to change card at half time. If this happened again I would pop the card in a sandwich bag while it is in my shirt pocket.

That is the only time that ever happened. Ordinarily in normal rain I have had no issue.
What's it like in the rain ?
I have been fortunate this season, only one game in pouring rain. That game I did issue an embarrassing amount of yellows though, (game went to hell when one of my assistants signaled for a penalty) and I could read them all after the game.
I have bought a soft/bold pencil. A 4B, which I have cut down a bit and added a shirt clip to it. Works very well.
Yea card skins better with pencil but what I ment was the b&d white match card is power tank pen
There's a simple answer to this....

In the Space Race of the Cold War the Anericans spent a fortune infuriated because the Russians could write in space and they couldn't.

Turns out the Russians had been using Pencil!

Good enough for Space it's good enough for me!
My cards turned up yesterday, they look and feel like they'll do the job.

Need to wait until the 8th of November to try them out, as I'm off to darkest Wales today.