

Level 4 Referee
Today’s game away manager was very vocal. Early on telling me I was missing things etc. Half time he came and asked me why I’d given one thing but not another.

55th minute he was shouting at me on the FOP so when the ball went out I went over and had a public word.

78th minute he was shouting to get a player sent off and I ignored him and he then said “you are rubbish”

Three strikes and he’s gone. Anyone do anything different??
A&H International
Deal with it earlier maybe. If he's talking to you at half time, I think that is the opportunity to tell him that whilst you might be interested in hearing his feedback at the end of the match, whilst the game is on he can keep it quiet or be removed.
Today’s game away manager was very vocal. Early on telling me I was missing things etc. Half time he came and asked me why I’d given one thing but not another.

55th minute he was shouting at me on the FOP so when the ball went out I went over and had a public word.

78th minute he was shouting to get a player sent off and I ignored him and he then said “you are rubbish”

Three strikes and he’s gone. Anyone do anything different??
If he had already been on my back earlier on in the game, then decided to question me further at half time, shouting at me whilst actually on the pitch would have been enough for me to get rid of him.

I think that is the opportunity to tell him that whilst you might be interested in hearing his feedback at the end of the match
I wouldn't say that, sounds like you're giving him a easy excuse to come and have a further go at you after the match!
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I get the feeling this may have been your first manager expulsion. First one is never easy and takes you longer that it should. Either way well done.

We all know this type of manager. They never shut up. They need to be dealt with early and thier little but constant rants should never be ignored. Otherwis they get in your head, make you question yourself and ruin your game. They also have a negative impact on player control. For example you said you ignored his shouts to get a player sent off. This should have been his marching orders after the public warning. But to be honest knowing the type of manager, he could have been gone long before that. Remember, ask tell, remove. Start that early and follow through with what say.