made an mistake


New Member
Level 5 Referee
so to learn in future i had a game today in witch i gave 2 sinbins in stead of me getting in to place and looking up i blow my whistle when i look up the keeper was doing his shoes up i blow my whistle again before the ball went on the net so the free kick was retaken any high level refs whats ur view so i dont make the same mistake should i of alowed the goal to stand :?:?:?:?
A&H International
Theoretically we don’t have to stop the game for people to do their shoelaces but it’s usually a done thing in terms of the spirit of the game, especially with keepers as I suspect they’d be taking their gloves off.

I think if you’ve blown your whistle for the free kick to be taken, you allow the goal though rather than stopping the game with ball in mid flight. The keeper should really be shouting you down to tell you he’s doing his laces, rather than just doing them and hoping you notice. It’s a lose lose situation
This is one of those questions without a great answer. The lesson Here isn’t what to do if this happens again, but how to avoid it. You probably learned that lesson already--look around and know status before blowing for the FK To be taken.

As far as what to do, you don’t tell us WHEN you blew the whistle (or decided to blow your whistle). If the ball was kicked before you realized the problem, then the ball was in play and you can’t (as a matter of law) go back and take the FK again. And if you whistled before the ball crossed the goal line, you can’t give the goal.

so the book answer is:
-if you dec to stop the kick before it was kicked (even if the whistle was later), it was not properly taken and still needs to be taken
-if it was after the ball was in the goal, it‘s a goal
-if it was between those, it’s a DB (whigh probably means the ball was in the PA and that means a DB to the GK)

option 3 is also obviously the worst in terms of game management and fundamental fairness.
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I will break this down.
any high level refs whats ur view
ERM... I don't consider myself as a high level ref but I still have a view. :)

so i dont make the same mistake
Concentrate, focus, be aware at all times. That's the solution. The mistake here is blowing the whistle early. If you were aware you would not have blown it early. Once you have made the mistake, there is no easy way out I'm afraid .

should i of alowed the goal to stand :?:
@socal lurker gave you the law answer. It should have been a dropped ball.
Allowing the goal would be incorrect in law as well. You stopped the game before the ball went in.
The 'football expects" answer here a retake. I prob would do the same if I make the same mistake too.
A few years ago, I was on the line to a ref going for 5 to 4 promotion. On the other line was his mentor. At half time and full time the other line debriefed the ref in the changing room. Listening in, I learned so much that day.

One thing that has always stuck in my mind. DFK about 20m(?) outside box. Ref gets wall back etc., and then blows whistle as he jogs in to position. This was evidently a pet peeve of the observer, and he made it known that the ref should have got himself into position, and then blown. Game restarts say 10 secs later, but you are in position to see what you need to see.

Id never thought about it before, but now, every ceremonial free kick, I get myself in position, look up, look around and only then when I am happy, do I blow the whistle. You (op) probably know this now. All we can do is learn.

And, for the record, “my” ref did get his promotion and I was delighted to do a line or two for him the following season as a newly minted L4.