Lost 4 games this weekend!


Politically Incorrect
Had 3 games scheduled for this weekend - one today, two tomorrow.

Wednesday lost Sunday AM game apparently due to 3 inches of water across 60% of the pitch. (Private pitch)

Thursday lost Sunday PM game as council called off all football on the 6 or so pitches combined at the venue for the whole weekend.

Picked a game up for Sunday AM yesterday morning due to an injured colleague.

Got a text last night with confirmation that one was off due to standing water on the pitch.

Phone call this morning to call this afternoons game off, so now down to 0.

Had a call offering another game tomorrow morning to cover a colleague, pending council pitch inspection at 9.30.

Turned that one down - pitches there are terrible at the best of times, don't need the hassle of getting prepped to be told it's off after so many examples of the same this weekend. Beginning to think I'm a bad omen!

Two scheduled for next week before Christmas break. Fingers crossed!
A&H International
Contrib game called off at 10:30 this morning and County Junior Trophy match for tomorrow called off at 11:00. Five mates have already called theirs off today from local to FL, via Supply and Contrib. Not a good day at all.
Played the only game yesterday in my league on 3G pitch, had to call it off at 60th minute, rain from drizzle to downpour and temperature dropping to 1°C.
My other game today, called off yesterday 10am.
Just seen the list from today's Sunday league fixtures, 12 off out of 13, including the one I was offered second and turned down.
