Lopsided Scoring ;(

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A&H International

Suspended for scoring too much!!!! WTF, This snowflake society has really gone bonkers!!

Or, to report the story more accurately: "Suspended for breaching competition rules"

You can argue with the rule as much as you like, but he's chosen to coach in a competition where that rule is in place. He should be expected to know the rule exists, he should follows it and he shouldn't be surprised when he's reported and punished for failing to do so.
I don't see any issue with the spirit of the rule put in place. Especially if it is for youth and double especially for school sports when some kids don't have a choice but to play in sports.

I think I did mention here I had to referee a futsal game ending up 54 -0 in a 26 minute game. It was the first time the losing team had played the sport and I am fairly sure it was the last time too.
The coach should have changed his team once the game was won.

The youth league I ref the league isn't decided on goal difference and 10 is the maximum goals what are recorded on the system. I think its a good idea as years ago I ran a junior team and we were the bottom club. When we played the top clubs they just focused on smashing as many goals as possible to bump their goal difference.
I’ve been at both ends and I’m still here... I survived.... isn't there a hotline I can call? 😎
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I'd expect that headline to come from the Daily Fail, given it is not actually telling the truth. I too think the rule is wrong, but if I chose to coach in that competition I'd have to abide by it. The rule required him to sub off his better players once more than 42 points ahead, he evidently didn't, so he was suspended for breaching a league rule, not after "his team scored too much" as reported.
I'd expect that headline to come from the Daily Fail, given it is not actually telling the truth. I too think the rule is wrong, but if I chose to coach in that competition I'd have to abide by it. The rule required him to sub off his better players once more than 42 points ahead, he evidently didn't, so he was suspended for breaching a league rule, not after "his team scored too much" as reported.
So if the second batch is as good as the first batch what then? What an absolute joke of a rule....
So if the second batch is as good as the first batch what then? What an absolute joke of a rule....

Don't disagree in terms of the rule, but it is a rule and the clubs will presumably have therefore voted for it, so the clubs and their coaches have to abide by it and can't complain if they are penalised for not doing so.

There's perhaps a story in the rule being there in the first place, but its a total and utter non-story that the club were punished for breaking it.
I’ve been at both ends and I’m still here... I survived.... isn't there a hotline I can call? 😎
So does a person at the end of insults and abuse in a game. Yet we send the offender off.

I don't know about American football but lopsided results are a big problem at youth grassroots football here. A lot of associations re-grade youth teams after three rounds. Those who don't get re-graded and stay in the same comp usually lose half their players by the time they get towards the end of the season and forfeit most of their games.
I agree with lopsided results being a problem in youth football. I refereed an u14s a few weeks ago. It finished 18-4, I ended up as ref/coach to keep the lads going encouraging them to not give up. After 10 goals me and the manager of the winning team agreed to let the goalie take goal kicks from his hands as he started struggling kicking as the game went on.

All them things i know I shouldn't really be doing but at the end everyone was happy. There was a lad on the losing side buzzing cos he scored a hat trick and the keeper of the winners was happy as he got to make a few saves.
So does a person at the end of insults and abuse in a game. Yet we send the offender off.

I don't know about American football but lopsided results are a big problem at youth grassroots football here. A lot of associations re-grade youth teams after three rounds. Those who don't get re-graded and stay in the same comp usually lose half their players by the time they get towards the end of the season and forfeit most of their games.
That’s stretching it a bit, it was about results, surely abuse is a completely different discussion 👍
That’s stretching it a bit, it was about results, surely abuse is a completely different discussion 👍
Agree that not the same thing and i was stretching it (may be a lot :) ) but the point was the same though. They need to learn to deal with defeat. But no one should have to learn to be humiliated sometimes week in week out.

I agree with lopsided results being a problem in youth football. I refereed an u14s a few weeks ago. It finished 18-4, I ended up as ref/coach to keep the lads going encouraging them to not give up. After 10 goals me and the manager of the winning team agreed to let the goalie take goal kicks from his hands as he started struggling kicking as the game went on.

All them things i know I shouldn't really be doing but at the end everyone was happy. There was a lad on the losing side buzzing cos he scored a hat trick and the keeper of the winners was happy as he got to make a few saves.
If I was assessing you I take marks off for not applying the laws of the game. But i'd also give you the same amount as bonus marks for not being a robotic referee, understanding why the kids are there and what kids grassroots football is about :)
Yes, and look what it has made you ..... a referee :wide:
At the most junior ends of the game, there should be a surrender rule. Not to stop teams losing but to stop humiliation.
There are some early 50s posh kids in the North East who were spared an ass whooping by our rugby sports teacher, it was 60-0 at half time, we were going for 150 in the second half... we should have sacked him for calling it off 😂
I think it's also important to note that this competition rule does not make it an automatic suspension. The way the the rule is written, coaches have a chance to explain the winning margin. In one youth league that I used to referee in, coaches were enjoined to make "a good faith effort" to avoid running up the score. So long as they took reasonable steps to comply, they weren't penalised if the score went one or two over the maximum recommended margin.

It sounds as if the coach here, despite being aware of the rule, made no effort whatsoever to comply with it.
The poor cherubs that lost, when will they be taught the true value of losing or failure, like we all get in the real world! You can’t wrap people in cotton wool forever. Failure breeds a desire to win or at least try harder next time and improve. They are being mollycoddled into life, it’s no wonder they can’t cope when it happens for real...
The philosophy in the league I referred to, was that it was supposed to be a developmental experience, teaching young kids how to play the game. Every year, the league had a large number of new players with zero experience of playing the game before. The aim was to get them to learn the game.

In a game so lopsided that one team could score absolutely at will without even trying, and the other team hardly even got to touch the ball, neither set of players would getting any kind of developmental or skill-building experience from the game. By making the game more even, both the winners and losers were getting more of a meaningful challenge and therefore getting something worthwhile out of the game.
When did losing become an real issue? When did let’s give them all a medal for taking part become one too? I may be a dinosaur in all this but they made them tough in our day, god knows what we are developing today!
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