Look after your ARs


RefChat Addict
Now, I hate acting as AR and here's why.
A recent thread on here reminded me of a final I lined on recently where a player shouted from 50 yards "Get that f*cking flag up you".
The referee went over and gave him...... a telling off....
On what planet is that not dissent?
I'm tired of lining for "old school" or "wanna be the players' mate" refs who let this crap go.
Fortunately I usually have the team in the league before long and they make the mistake of confusing the last refs threshold with my own.
The number of young refs that might have not packed it all in if their refs had backed them.
A&H International
I had one game, non-offside call (ball went through to the keeper with no offside touch, shouldn't have been a problem), keeper went ballistic, screamed at me to open my f****** eyes, pointing to his eyes for emphasis and everything. Just a talking to. I pretty much lost respect for that referee at that point - it's just the sort of cowardly refereeing where he lacks the courage to actually address dissent. But that was the 2nd top level in the state, so I'm sure he was more worried about 'not ruining the game' than refereeing it.
I watching my son play and a player called the CAR "a f***ing cheat", the referee did nothing.
There seems to be perception among referees that it is ok to abuse AR's.
Player says that on my pitch and he watches the rest of the game from then car-park.
player shouted from 50 yards "Get that f*cking flag up you".
The referee went over and gave him...... a telling off....
On what planet is that not dissent?
Planet Essex ;)

screamed at me to open my f****** eyes, pointing to his eyes for emphasis and everything
Orange side of yellow - has to be cautioned!

player called the CAR "a f***ing cheat",
Hopefully not controversial - but - for me - it depends HOW it is said ...
  • In a calm quiet voice, said just to me - yellow
  • Anything else (including how I read the OP) - red
I agree that you have to look after your assistants. But remembering you are there to assist, not insist. Providing the referee asks you to do nothing against law you have to do your job.

I had an assistant last season insist to me in stoppage time to book a player for dissent because he asked if he was joking when he gave a throw in the other way. I just said come on mate, got the player, asked him to apologise and everyone was happy.

On a side note I've just looked at your 'stats' 61 cards for dissent last season. That seems pretty high, or is it just me?
While it does sound high, it also depends a lot at what level you referee at and where.

I bet your local fa love you though mate! Finance the chrimbo drinks for them every year!
I was refereeing on 3 new leagues last season, that card count will go down this season as teams learn my tolerance.
You really would have struggled to disagree with any of the C2s I dished out, player behaviour was the worst I've ever seen it. The reason being other referees not sending in cautions.
I dare say counties that have large cities in will have higher card counts, as the decline in social standards seems at its highest round these parts (and Plymouth, f**k Plymouth)
Dissent is NOT to be managed, dissent is a yellow card.
Calling any official a cheat whether or not there's bad language is a straight red for me. Stick the f-word in and it's the easiest red I'll ever give.
I've found a caution given to a gobby player or 2 early on tends to stop it for the rest of the game, they soon learn.. I have one last week because a player asked me why I gave a foul, I said "pushing" then at every challenge he said "Is that pushing too ref" .. Told him to stop as if he carried on it would cost him, he didn't so it cost him a caution , to which he said I'm not gonna pay it ,,. That was 5 mins in and it stopped any hassle for the rest of the game ... That and my Colina Stare lol