Liverpool HB-PK (v Leeds)

Why should any country take anything in the lotg for what it is. Let's all have our own rules.

IFAB has screwed it up. Each going their own way screws it up even more. Haven't we learnt anything from how VAR went.
It's never been any different. Only FIFA and IFAB can be held responsible for non-compliance. Besides, it is Europe (and to a lesser extent other countries) who've been manufacturing the HB Law over recent years. It is they who were ignoring the wording in the book to get us into this mess

Anyway, coverage in the media is sketchy, so who knows if any change came out of this alleged meeting
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A&H International
Hands above the shoulder will still be punished as per the laws of the game. However, referees will be more lenient when deciding whether a player's arm has made them "unnaturally" bigger.
I expect a clarification to be published by the IFAB soon because some decisions in the Premier League have been ridiculously incorrect.
Many of us are referees in the Country in which this 'change' has been decided upon, yet pundits seem more informed than we are
That's the absurdity of football
Or, perhaps, it's about the reporting and the league was simply told what the rule really was, and they are explaining it as "going to be different." Just because a pundit says something doesn't mean it is so.