Leggings / undershorts

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Sheffields Finest

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind!
Level 7 Referee
What is the exact ruling with regards this. Long undershorts are clearly allowed and can be tucked in the socks (same colour and all that). However leggings are not mentioned!

I had an incident yesterday with a player and before I state what exactly happened I want to know the exact ruling. He spent 10 minutes on google as we were in discussions...
A&H International
They are mentioned under the guise of tights.
LOTG p42 said:
undershorts/tights must be the same colour as the main colour of the shorts or the lowest part of the shorts – players of the same team must wear the
same colour.
So what the definition of tights then? Full leggings aren't tights? Are leggings allowed or not???
He claimed they weren't being worn as to not gain an advantage.... and then said they were to keep him warm!!! (In October 20C outside)

He found the passage above and we argued that they were tights and I had the trump card because they were all black and not blue like his shorts and socks....He did use a few choice words in his disapproval for my actions and nearly ended up in my book before we actually kicked off.. (we were warming up on the pitch)... I know its trifling but he was exactly the same 2 years ago and we had exactly the same argument... I gave him two choices and he chose the right one and took them off!!
Leggings are treated exactly the same way as socks and tights - i.e. same colour as the shorts or the bottom trim of the shorts.
I know the colour thing RR but where does it say that a player can specifically wear full leggings, it clearly states that GKS can wear tracksuit bottoms. These are not listed as part of the basic equipment for a player so by definition shouldn't be allowed? I don't have a problem with longer undershorts, its full leggings that i have, otherwise why don't all players wear them, Certainly better on a cold day where the pitch is 'crispier'...Please enlighten?
Leggings = tights.......simples.

Not really sure why this is such an issue......if the player wants to argue....fine, keep your "leggings" on, they'll keep you warm while you watch the game, becuase you certainly won't be playing.

If they want to toss their dummy out and start ranting and raving.....great, have a card, the colour will depend on what they say......if it was yellow, they'd be very lucky to finish the game on the pitch.....damn sure I could find another soft caution at some point in the 90 minutes....
I know the colour thing RR but where does it say that a player can specifically wear full leggings, it clearly states that GKS can wear tracksuit bottoms. These are not listed as part of the basic equipment for a player so by definition shouldn't be allowed? I don't have a problem with longer undershorts, its full leggings that i have, otherwise why don't all players wear them, Certainly better on a cold day where the pitch is 'crispier'...Please enlighten?

Equipment that isn't mentioned in the laws should be permitted unless it is dangerous, provides an unfair advantage or otherwise causes a problem for the match.
Captains armbands aren't mentioned in the laws. Nor are gloves on players - but we allow those.

How on earth did you get stuck debating this with a player for 10min?

There's a point where you just have to say 'I'm not here to discuss it with you, you're not playing in those, end of discussion' and walk off
Although I don't remember the incident a few seasons ago he claimed that we had argued before and he had lost out that time too, he was convinced they were allowed and set out to prove it.. IMO he was gaining an unfair advantage in that the surface was 3G and any form of sliding tackle you obviously have an unfair advantage in the sense that you can be safer in the knowledge that you won't get the carpet type burn type injury if you got in sliding hard without! Other players laughed at him because he didn't say 'I don't want to hurt my knees' he said he wanted to keep warm!!!
Although I don't remember the incident a few seasons ago he claimed that we had argued before and he had lost out that time too, he was convinced they were allowed and set out to prove it.. IMO he was gaining an unfair advantage in that the surface was 3G and any form of sliding tackle you obviously have an unfair advantage in the sense that you can be safer in the knowledge that you won't get the carpet type burn type injury if you got in sliding hard without! Other players laughed at him because he didn't say 'I don't want to hurt my knees' he said he wanted to keep warm!!!

Like the others have said they are allowed as long as the same colour, whether you think he is gaining an advantage or not is irrelevant really. As Padfoot said tight's and leggings are one of the same. I cant imagine a player coming out in an actual pair of tights i mean what shade and denier would he opt for? :)
They come off, period, we're Northerners not Southern Nancies!! We invented the game so there!!! ;)
You've got no grounds to make them take them off though. If a player refused, and consequently didn't play, should that team appeal the result (assuming they didn't win) the league and CFA would have little option but to order the game to be replayed. The reason being that one or more players were refused permission to play because of their kit, even though it was in full accordance with the law.

After all players, and even match officials, frequently wear leggings in Champions League games that are played in cold climates. As long as they are the same colour as the shorts they can be worn, there isn't provision in law for the referee to decide if it is cold enough or not.
. IMO he was gaining an unfair advantage in that the surface was 3G and any form of sliding tackle you obviously have an unfair advantage in the sense that you can be safer !
I don't think 'you're using them as protective equipment' is an argument against permitting them being worn :)

Yep. I can't imagine how you could possibly find justification in the laws to argue they're not to be used.
It doesn't say he can't wrap himself in cotton wool either..... Since when did footballers become Jessies!!!
I'll not be reffing much longer and until the day I stop, they come off....Leggings are not mentioned as part of the standard equipment. Thats good enough for me.
It doesn't say he can't wrap himself in cotton wool either..... Since when did footballers become Jessies!!!
I'll not be reffing much longer and until the day I stop, they come off....Leggings are not mentioned as part of the standard equipment. Thats good enough for me.
I can only presume you are joking!
It doesn't say he can't wrap himself in cotton wool either..... Since when did footballers become Jessies!!!
I'll not be reffing much longer and until the day I stop, they come off....Leggings are not mentioned as part of the standard equipment. Thats good enough for me.
Neither is a captain's armband.
Neither were undershorts/shirts until their colours were restricted in the laws.
Neither are gloves or sweatbands.....
It doesn't say he can't wrap himself in cotton wool either..... Since when did footballers become Jessies!!!
I'll not be reffing much longer and until the day I stop, they come off....Leggings are not mentioned as part of the standard equipment. Thats good enough for me.

Stop reeling them in SF......:rolleyes:
Neither is a captain's armband.
Neither were undershorts/shirts until their colours were restricted in the laws.
Neither are gloves or sweatbands.....

Gloves....they didn't wear them in my day and apparently we've had some global warming since!!... Sweatbands.... what are we breeding! Tennis players! Listen to yourselves.... Southern softies!!! :rolleyes:
Ha. We have cold and artificial pitches. And a lot of games in lower leagues on sand. The heavier duty short-trousers are allowed in the lower leagues. Tight and gloves are OK. But we have to watch for buffs/scarves that might be dangerous if grabbed.

Confession: I wore tights on the line last night. It was 4 degrees. It is a common sight here. Up North: Far up North. Performance under gear with maximal coverage is essential to prevent injury for me in my dotage...
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