Last weeks ref


Well-Known Member
Let's be honest - we've all heard stories of what last weeks ref did. But what sticks out in the mind the most?
For example, I was informed today by a player that was told during his last game to 'go die of a heart attack' by another player - to which the referee says was just banter.
Any other good ones? :D
A&H International
A couple of weeks back. Last weeks ref said it was okay to wear jewellery and rings because he had no intention of taking off his ring or gold chain!
I heard that last week ref was ok with the GK wearing a full tracksuit without number on the back

When I said I wasn't last week ref, they sure managed to find a proper jersey pretty quickly :D
Not so much as sticking out like a sore thumb/single incident but the constant reminder of last week's ref letting X, Y and Z wear their 'rainbow coloured' sock tape... Although one time, after mentioning it to a player that it has been in LOTG for quite a while now, one of his team-mates replied: "You can't expect him to have read that ref...he struggles with picture books!"
I've had the old "last week's ref" with sock tape. I just tell them "that's as may be but make sure you tell next week's ref that this week's ref did it properly. Change the tape please."
I had a game with a keeper wearing a black top - told him he had to change. Got the usual "last week's ref..." but made him change. The following week I had the same team again. Keeper was warming up with the same black shirt; as I wandered over he immediately said, "don't worry ref, I've got another shirt." It's great to be your own "last week's ref!"
Had this on Sunday just gone and had it before.

"No one asks for subs names normally ref" - no team sheets btw.
@Mick. Slightly off topic but I hope that your card count isn't just from those seven matches?! Otherwise, on average, you're showing all 22 players and about 5 of the subs a yellow every match!:eek:;)
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I recently did a game where the league had given the club special dispensation as they couldn't get purple tape for their socks so provided the whole team wore the same colour they were allowed.

This was November, so they must have had plenty of referee's let them, I didn't and no ones socks fell down all game!
Have they never heard of Amazon? They have every colour tape you could imagine!

(This is not a sponsored message - other tape providers are available) :D
Pfft. Clear hockey tape. That's what most of the guys (and girls) use here for the "non-normal" sock colours.
@Mick. Slightly off topic but I hope that your card count isn't just from those seven matches?! Otherwise, on average, you're showing all 22 players and about 5 of the subs a yellow every match!:eek:;)
Ha. No. It comes from a post a while ago about the rights and wrongs of posting card counts and what it does or doesn't say about you as a ref. I'd forgotten that it was there. It also shows that I'm a really good/bad/intolerant ref