Lack of sportsmanship and poor character


The avuncular one
One of my games recently highlighted that some people should not be allowed to be involved in football. One of the team managers - no handshake before the game, in fact actively avoiding officials. Game starts and the individual digs deep into their soul-less shell of a body and finds a voice with which they moan loudly from their bench throughout the match with a complete lack of sportsmanship all around. After the match, again avoided match officials and again no handshake.

I can understand people getting a little animated during the heat of battle, football is a passionate game. Not shaking the officials hands, however, just shows a complete lack of character. And this is not grassroots level either, where you do come across this kind of nonsense from the odd fool. Guess the individual is forgetting that football is a small world. We shall cross paths again my soul less friend. [/rant]

Makes me wonder, do I sound obsessed with hand shaking? :D
A&H International
Not at all. Managers should set an example as should captains. Hope you reported it to the league. And I'd say if a manager did that to me, as soon as he piped up I'd go over and "hello coach, nice to shake your hand, now let's get on with shall we and keep the verbals under control and we won't have to chat again during the match?" Make it loud enough for the bench and opposition to hear. ;-)
nice reply, Dan, though i think monkey just wanted to have a little moan in a safe place :)
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