KO retake.


As my first post I had an incident in a game yesterday. Granted it was only an U7s game but wondered if I had this decision right.

Red team to take KO after Blues had scored. I blow my whistle and Blues attack into the center circle, Reds Kick Ball and Blues take ball off them but had an head start as moved before ball was Kicked.

So stopped play, manager of Reds instructing his team to go forward for a FK, but ordered a retake.

Manager then insists it a FK to Reds but my stance was, ball wasn't in play, so must he a re take?

Was I right?
A&H International
just a retake in this situation...

Infringements and sanctions If the player taking the kick-off touches the ball again before it has touched another player an indirect free kick, or for deliberate handball a direct free kick, is awarded. In the event of any other infringement of the kick-off procedure the kick-off is retaken.
Take the kick off again was correct.

On another note, every kid seems to think play re-starts with the whistle and not when the ball is kicked and moves. I must've seen this 20 times last year. Most of the time, refereeing children's games is about teaching the laws rather than enforcing them.