Kit Supplier Suggestions


Formerly known as 'Ref' on RefereeForum

Now that A&H aren't being supplied with the Nike kit does anyone know where I can go to get the current kit that also do embroidery?

The few that have been listed on this site that I have found with the search function only offer the heat applied badge :(
A&H International
To be honest I much prefer the decal over embroidered but that’s just me, but from memory the RA shop do embroidery
To be honest I much prefer the decal over embroidered but that’s just me, but from memory the RA shop do embroidery
Absolutely agree. The embroidered doesn't look good after a few washes, whereas the DECAL still looks crisp. I use https://farefereestore.thefa.com/ - their delivery time isn't the best, but the quality of the DECAL is really good.

A shame that A&H no longer does Nike stuff - hopefully this will be reversed in the future...
Does anyone have any suggestions for referee kit/equipment suppliers in general? A&H seem to have fallen from grace a bit with stock availability 😣