Kicking one ball into another (video)

A&H International
I'm pretty sure he'd argue that this fits the definition of general USB (and he has the right to stop play and restart with an IFK if he's cautioning for that reason), but I think he's caused the problem here by not acting quicker.

As soon as there are two balls in play near each other, he should stop play and restart with a drop ball - I think he'd even be justified in ordering the throw in the be retaken as the second ball is maybe already in play at that point? Seems harsh to book a player for that action when it's clearly a ludicrous situation and you've been slow in dealing with it.
Have to agree, a quick whistle when it was obvious the secnd ball was on the pitch could have saved that situation.

Same time, what was the player thinking kicking the second ball at the original ball??? Players eh?
Anyone remember it happening in the Euros - I think it was a Welsh game - the fella hoofed the 2nd ball 30 yards towards the path of the in-play ball to break up an attack - was a much easier caution to give than the one above :)
Oh perhaps that's what's it's for as said above USB but more in taking possession off opposing team. That's said they had just won the league so they were in good spirits.
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I agree wholeheartedly with everything Graeme was said - why wouldn't you stop play here? USB is the correct decision, but it should have been prevented.
Hindsight is 20/20 vision. If the player had kicked the ball out over the line as many would do would the ref stop play? No would be the answer.
In this instance it was just plain stupid and the player knew clearly what he was doing kicking it at the other ball. Caution and an IDFK.