KFTPM - bizarre situation

Do the Assistant referees and/or 4th official not help out with clarifying the law in these situations or is that not the going thing? Appreciate that it is really important to know the laws inside out at L4 and above but surely in the dissent case another one of the officials could have said something (assuming between 3/4 of you someone knows the correct laws.
All referees involved in the match will receive the same punishment.
A&H International
Ouch! Tough if you're level 7 ARs getting the same expectations as a Level 4 Middle!
Your level, to a certain extent, should not change your knowledge of law.

If you have been given an FA Appointment, the minimum expectation is that you know the laws and rules applicable to the match you are refereeing, in whatever capacity you are refereeing it.

If you don't know them, you don't know them, but you should.
I like that argument, but then how do you explain the lack of a dismissal for 2 x cautionable offences when one is a sin-bin and the other isn't? Or for that matter, the fact we don't use a red card (the universal symbol for "you will take no further part in this game and cannot be substituted") if a player is sin binned twice and can then take no further part in the game and cannot be substituted?

I go back and forward on if sin bins were a good idea, but one thing I'm absolutely clear on is that the methods chosen for signalling them and for dealing with multiples are much more confusing than they needed to be.
All fair points. 👍
The red card gets tricky as a there are two variations to plays no further part, one where the player can be subbed and one where he can't.
But I am in general agreement with your post
Do the Assistant referees and/or 4th official not help out with clarifying the law in these situations or is that not the going thing? Appreciate that it is really important to know the laws inside out at L4 and above but surely in the dissent case another one of the officials could have said something (assuming between 3/4 of you someone knows the correct laws.
Yes, they should, which is why they will also probably be having a 3 week rest, unless of course they told the referee and he chose to ignore the advice.