Keeping Warm


Level 7 Referee
Hi all,
I’ve been going short sleeve all season, but with December hitting us I think its time to wear some extra layers. Don’t know about you but my hands get that cold I can’t even write on the match report forms by the end of the game.
I was wondering if there are any good gloves us refs can use? I tried with the stretchy ones last year but found it hard grabbing the whistle tight enough. If any of you have any links that would be good.
Also thinking about under armour. I’ve got a tight Lonsdale top but find it tight on the body but not the arms, which drives me mad. Any good suggestions? Hoping not to spend in excess of about £15.
A&H International
Umbro used to do a superb long sleeve one, don't know if they still do. Nike cold weather ones are extremely good - Sports Direct your best bet (I have two of the Nike long sleeve, high neck ones)
The best ones though are the under armour ones, but they're much more expensive. I have 1 long sleeve high neck and 1 low neck, both excellent (will be wearing one for tonight's line!)

As for your hands, just something you'll have to get used to I'm afraid! There aren't gloves out there that enable us to keep sufficiently warm and grip whistle/write in notebook!
Suppose we should lead by example. Hate seeing players wearing gloves all the time :)

Will look into sports direct and under armour. :cool:
For what it's worth, last season I wore a skin 360 short sleeve under a Tresspass base layer (long -sleeve) under my short sleeve Diamond top. I couldn't afford long and short sleeve tops. With the close fitting Diamond sleeves you can hardly tell that it isn't a long-sleeved top.

Kept me reasonably warm


http://www.trespass.co.uk/mens-rocked-00569 Just under £13 here, but I'm sure you can get them for less.
I use the Nike ProCombat range, although to be fair, we don;t get the low temperatures like you guys do..

SportsDirect and any Nike outlet store is a good bet. WHen I was back in the UK, I browsed any sportsd shop I came across, and ended up with four long-sleeved Nike tops, for an average price of about 12 quid each.

The nike store in Manchester was best option, with an ex-display rail - yellow top for 10 uid. SportsDirect I got them at 15.

We have four coloured match shirts over here, so really need four under shirts to match.
For me, you can't beat Under Armour. It is that much thicker than the other ones which makes it so much warmer. You say £15, I know that A&H do Nike glovers for £16.99
I wear UA gloves that are thin enough to be able to write easily, and have grippy palms and fingers so that you don't drop the flag! I only wear them on the line, I'm usually boiling if I'm in the middle, whatever the temperature!
Under armour cold gear long sleeve is amazing if a little pricey. You will not be cold in it! Be careful not to use it when you don't need to, you will sweat your pods off! Would also recommend their cold gear compression shorts.

I also use the Nike gloves (off a&h) and they are very useable. Can still write and hold the whistle.
I just use simple cotton black gloves I have easy grip of my whistle and good reach for my pen
Another vote for under armour, I have a high neck long sleeve and barely feel the cold when wearing that.
Never worn gloves for refereeing, annoys me when I see refs that do. :)

Can't go wrong with under armour in my opinion, not the cheapest, but certainly worth every penny
Never worn gloves for refereeing, annoys me when I see refs that do. :)

Can't go wrong with under armour in my opinion, not the cheapest, but certainly worth every penny
Agreed. I saw one this morning who was wearing a short sleeve shirt and gloves. I also can't stand refs who referee wearing a tracksuit and woolly hat.
Ross, in the Midlands on a Tuesday night in the winter, stuck on the halfway line with only writing to do, you need gloves!!
There's one assistant in my area who refuses to where a thermal, even in the snow - all the other refs and assistants are really annoyed by him!