Just seen one of the funniest things to happen on a football pitch


Politically Incorrect
Blue v Red.

Score is 1-1, 25 minutes into first half.

Red on attack, towards touch line, skins two blue players, as he goes past second a lazy leg comes out and trips him.

Award penalty, absolute stone-wall. No complaints from anybody, apart from keeper who is dissenting loudly despite his own players telling him it was a clear pen and to shut up.

Invite him over and caution him, we set up for the penalty.

He does that stupid delaying stuff keepers try to do, try's to talk to taker who ignores him, he gets back in his goal and jumps on the bar and swings on it, trying to do a pull up, then slips off and falls on his arse.

It was hysterical. Everybody bar the taker who is staring at the floor to pay no attention to the idiot is creased laughing, and it takes a few seconds for everybody including myself to gain enough composure to take the kick.

A&H International
Please tell me the ball hit the bar or post then went in off his head...

Would love to say yes, but unfortunately not.

He did offer no dive or movement whatsoever while the taker slotted into the bottom corner though.
For shame :(

I did see that happen once in an U12 semi I did. Last minute penalty. Keeper saved with one hand, ball bounced up and hit the bar then came down on his head and went in. Poor lad was mortified!
Similar thing happened in an u12s cup quarter final my son played in last year.

Penalty shoot-out, keeper dived full length and got his fingers on the ball, ball hit the inside of the post and back across the goal about a foot in front of the line. The spin on the ball took it back towards goal and crept in at the opposite post with the keeper looking on helplessly by the post he had tipped the ball onto to. Was also the winning penalty! :eek:

As Greavsie used to say "It's a funny old game!" :D
On a side note

Does anybody else find keepers can be the mouthiest players on the team?

Had both keepers in the book for dissent at the weekend :oops::rolleyes:
On a side note

Does anybody else find keepers can be the mouthiest players on the team?

Had both keepers in the book for dissent at the weekend :oops::rolleyes:
They tend to be the extremes of personality in my experience.

Had one run the ball off the side of the pitch and then boot it away when he realised the thrower would pick it up with him out of position. Took the booking happily and came up at the end of the game and congratulated me on a good match.

I think actually it's the higher level games that have had mouthier goalkeepers. Perhaps it's a requirement for a better team to have someone more vocal in goal?
They tend to be the extremes of personality in my experience.

Had one run the ball off the side of the pitch and then boot it away when he realised the thrower would pick it up with him out of position. Took the booking happily and came up at the end of the game and congratulated me on a good match.

I think actually it's the higher level games that have had mouthier goalkeepers. Perhaps it's a requirement for a better team to have someone more vocal in goal?

I agree with that.

I find it's the prem teams and particularly on the Saturday league which is a feeder to county. The keepers are much better but much louder

Lower leagues they tend to be quite a laugh
keeper this sunday just would not shut up, nothing out of order just chatter... non stop with his players, oppo and people on the sidelines !
told him off for using the c word when he miskicked a clearance, and he genuinely didnt realise he'd said it amognst the sheer volume of words that he'd delivered over the course of the morning !
On a side note

Does anybody else find keepers can be the mouthiest players on the team?

Had both keepers in the book for dissent at the weekend :oops::rolleyes:
Oi. I was (am) a keeper! I'd love you to ref me one day Farts, you'd get 90 minutes of both barrels :p

keeper this sunday just would not shut up, nothing out of order just chatter... non stop with his players, oppo and people on the sidelines !
told him off for using the c word when he miskicked a clearance, and he genuinely didnt realise he'd said it amognst the sheer volume of words that he'd delivered over the course of the morning !
I used to do that, but have calmed down in recent times. Used to yell all sorts of expletives when I'd mishit any form of clearance. Don't really know why!
On a side note

Does anybody else find keepers can be the mouthiest players on the team?

Had both keepers in the book for dissent at the weekend :oops::rolleyes:

Excuse me!!

I'm an ex goalkeeper, how dare you!!!

Actually yes, your spot on, I was a right gobby t**t when I was playing, if I look back on it, it was quite embarrassing actually.

I'm now assisting supply league referees and then tell them I used to play at supply league level, and then it's oh yeah I remember you!!!

Now it's my pet hate keepers shouting from 80 yards away.