Jose Mourinho


RefChat Addict
Was at the City v Chelsea game last night, sat overlooking the tunnel/technical areas as usual and I couldn't help noticing that he was constantly out of his technical area. He was up and down the line and across in front of the City bench numerous times, yet the fourth official (Chris Foy?) did nothing.

Isn't it the job of the fourth official, amongst other things, to ensure the non-playing staff stay within the technical areas? I just thought it was odd that no action was taken.
A&H International
It's likely one of those situations where you get the manager a bit of rope because you don't want to have a fight over something as small as that.
Never been a fourth official, but surely you'd expect them to say, 'Come on Jose, back in your box please' or words to that effect
It's a tough call as you don't want to make a fuss, but you don't want to be seen to be a doormat. I guess CF worked on the basis that if JM wasn't causing a problem, then he'd adopt a low profile.

frank_ref, thanks for giving me a broad smile at the end of a damp week. FA Cup not an FA affiliated competition ... I think you meant, it's not run by the Premier League.
frank_ref, thanks for giving me a broad smile at the end of a damp week. FA Cup not an FA affiliated competition ... I think you meant, it's not run by the Premier League.

Glad you enjoyed your smile. Just realised I got it wrong - he was at the Premier League game, not the Cup match, which just finished a few hours ago (I originally thought by "last night" he meant he had slipped into the future and was typing from the perspective of a man from tomorrow).

Anyways...the FA Cup's an FA-affiliated competition? Well I'll be darned. You learn something new every day. ;-)
Glad you enjoyed your smile. Just realised I got it wrong - he was at the Premier League game, not the Cup match, which just finished a few hours ago (I originally thought by "last night" he meant he had slipped into the future and was typing from the perspective of a man from tomorrow).

Anyways...the FA Cup's an FA-affiliated competition? Well I'll be darned. You learn something new every day. ;-)

As much as I'd like to travel into the future, I can't unfortunately! :D I was there again last night and Jose was up to his old tricks, although the 4th official, who I think was Mike Jones, kept bringing him back inside his technical area!
Can't help noticing that hose shook hands with all the spurs officials before the end of the game. Total disrespect for me. Can not stand the man no class. As for not making a fuss, he has been playing fourth officials and assistant refs as long as he has been playing the media. As a ref I trust the ones who want to be friendly less than the ones who are not, heed the lesson
so which is worse, shaking hands with officials before the match has finished... arguably it finished in the 59th minute....or slagging off your players in front of an audience of millions on MOTD as tim Sherwood did
The boys deserved to be slagged off. Tim was absolutely right. Also, taking a slightly early leave is not that bad.
So which is worse, shaking hands with officials before the match has finished - arguably it finished in the 59th minute - or slagging off your players in front of an audience of millions on MOTD as Tim Sherwood did?

The first is 3.6, the second 2.9. It's pretty tight.
Sorry, but Mourinho has no respect for the game, it's spirit, his opponents or their management team. I have said this for years, and this just sums him up for me.

As for Sherwood slagging his players? Well, we all know how he was as a player, he expects and demands the same commitment from his guys. I am sure that this was a last resort, and that he had said the same in training, in the dressing room and had no positive response, so a public dressing down is the next step.

Remains to be seen where he goes from here, but I can't help agree with him, some of the Spurs players don't look too bothered to me.