iPad 2 Jailbreak Released

Dommer OFK

Active Member
Those of us with iPad 2s or iPhones running 4.3.x - a Jailbreak solution for these devices has been released today.

Simply go to Safari on your device - enter the address: http://www.jailbreakme.com and the rest is pretty much straightforward


@comex has triumphed once again over iOS.


JailbreakMe 3.0 (jailbreakme.com) is once again live, supporting the iPad 2 now (as well as all current devices). Here's the full list of supported devices and firmwares:

  • iPad1: 4.3 through 4.3.3
  • iPad2: 4.3.3
  • iPhone3GS: 4.3 through 4.3.3
  • iPhone4: 4.3 through 4.3.3
  • iPhone4-CDMA: 4.2.6 through 4.2.8
  • iPod touch 3g: 4.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.3
  • iPod touch 4g: 4.3 through 4.3.3

The Dev Team's article about the release does warn this jailbreak uses a .pdf exploit which could put your device at risk after the jailbreak, and recommend you install PDF Patcher 2 from Cydia immediately after jailbreaking to secure your iDevice.

Jailbreaking straight from Safari is by far the easiest jailbreak, and a great time to introduce your friends to jailbreaking. :) @comex first released jailbreakme.com for the 1.1.1 firmware in October of 2007, releasing the 2nd installment in August of last year as the first iPhone 4 jailbreak. JailbreakMe 3.0 marks the 3rd installment, and the first iPad 2 jailbreak.

Unlike the iPhone Dev Team, @comex does accept donations. I recommend you go over to jailbreakme.com/#moreinfo and toss the guy some bucks for his time!

Oh, and while the Dev Team notes this exploit IS in iOS 5, they also state it's fairly sure Apple will close it by release. "However because the iPad2 had no public jailbreak yet, it probably wasn’t worth waiting until the fall to use them. If history repeats itself though, there will be more holes and exploits."
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