Junior/Youth Intentional/Deliberate pass to the keeper


I had an incident which if it happened again I would do the same, but I got annoyed because I entered into a discussion with a spectator/possible coach (but not official manager).

His team were attacking and a ball went through that their forward was never going to reach.
The central defender shepherded the ball that was clearly going to reach the area, albeit at not a very fast pace.

The defender knew not to touch it but as the pitch was bobbly, the ball bounced up, hit her leg and went to the keeper who promptly picked it up.

Massive shout of "Free kick ref!!!!!" from said spectator (no on else..though there were raised murmerrings).

I shouted "Play on, accidental touch" and waved play on.

Of course, spectator not happy with that, and to make it worse he probably had the better angle as I was behind her due to it being a longish ball up field in the first place.

He carried on shouting "It was deliberate ref, It's a free kick...blah blah..."

Now I know I should have ignored him but for clarity I shouted back "It has to be deliberate...that bounced up..accidental..play on" (which the girls admirably did, with no dissent whatsoever).

Apart from ignoring the spectator, is there anything I could have done better?
A&H International
The only 2 things you got wrong:

1) Entering into discussion with spectator.
2) Waving play-on. It wasn't an advantage, so shouldn't be signalled.

Other than that, it was your own decision based on your opinion at the time, it's not for anyone here to say otherwise as we didn't witness it.
I have two questions/scenarios about which I am uncertain on this topic:

Scenario 1:
Player passes it to a defender, who then lets it run to the keeper. It is a deliberate pass, but not deliberately to the goalkeeper - IDFK?

Scenario 2:
A defender is dribbling slowly in the penalty area and then, after a shout from the goalkeeper stops dribbling so he can pick it up - his last touch wasn't a pass - IDFK?
Scenario 1:
Player passes it to a defender, who then lets it run to the keeper. It is a deliberate pass, but not deliberately to the goalkeeper - IDFK?
No, no offence as ball has t be deliberately played to the goalkeeper.

Scenario 2:
A defender is dribbling slowly in the penalty area and then, after a shout from the goalkeeper stops dribbling so he can pick it up - his last touch wasn't a pass - IDFK?

Yes, as the ball was deliberately left for the goalkeeper. Although again, not 100% myself, one of those you would have to see i think.
It wad not a back pass anyway if it hit her shin or leg. It can only be with the foot.
Had to look this up myself a couple of weeks ago after an incorrect call after the ball was kneed back.