Ingerland v Tunisa

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And the irony, unless I am mistaken, is that the VAR Sandro Ricci gave a penalty for holding at a corner real time in the Croatia vs Nigeria game. So he can see it real time but not on a video replay … ?!

Classic rusty only England, only can happen to England.
A&H International
the first major mistake from VAR (IMO).
Costa was a much bigger mistake as it lead directly to a goal.
Pavon was a much more obvious mistake.
Zuber was a more obvious mistake and it lead directly to a goal.

Those three were all in games where the team that was failed by VAR drew the game. Kane's phantom penalty didn't matter, England got 3 points.
a good enough referee performance.
I graciously suggest you re-watch the whole 90. He had little to no authority on the game whatsoever, and in my book, that can't be a 'good enough' performance.

What summed it up for me was a Tunisian player refusing to retreat 10 yards near the end, instead of dealing with it, the ref ran to get in position and waved the free kick on, the player still wouldn't budge. The perfect opportunity for a caution - but no. I just pictured Collina back in the day pushing that player and stamping his authority.
Some on here are too sore on the officials. It is clear that referee are instructed not to issue cards for what they would normally. One yellow card in the whole game here. There were a number of incidents that normally result in cards yet it is clear the instructions are otherwise. Some referees struggle when the regular match control tool of cards is removed.
On the Kane penalty incident Kane places his arm across the shoulder / back of the defender as he moves which places both of them in a lock. I can see how it was not given as Kane contributes to the foul.
All in all I thought one dubious incident in 94 minutes with no complaints really was a good enough referee performance. I would say FIFA happy enough here.
If England had not won the real errors were made by Lingard 2, Stones, Sterling etc. that should have been an easy win. Instead it was hard won

Normally agree with you Goldfish, but not here and if FIFA are happy with his performance they have a major problem. It goes way beyond penalty decisions, his overall management was extremely poor and he looked very weak throughout.

I know this referee normally has a reputation as a card shark, so I wonder if the instruction to try and limit the cards has affected him?
Costa was a much bigger mistake as it lead directly to a goal.
Pavon was a much more obvious mistake.
Zuber was a more obvious mistake and it lead directly to a goal.

Those three were all in games where the team that was failed by VAR drew the game. Kane's phantom penalty didn't matter, England got 3 points.

It matters more because it’s England Santa.
I think it's good that the Fish brings another point of view here.
The other refs have set a high standard, especially in terms of handling delay of game, but in the overall scheme of things, this game was not a disaster.
Normally agree with you Goldfish, but not here and if FIFA are happy with his performance they have a major problem. It goes way beyond penalty decisions, his overall management was extremely poor and he looked very weak throughout.

I know this referee normally has a reputation as a card shark, so I wonder if the instruction to try and limit the cards has affected him?

Big time affected him, if he is a card machine then he should have been allowed to ref in his usual manner, the nation & anyone with an interest would have had a lot more respect for him had he got the petulance dealt with early on.
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The other indication of a rank bad performance, he indicated 4 minutes of stoppage time during which England scored. The restart following the goal took between 90 and 120 seconds, yet he stopped play at 94:03. 3 seconds for such a long delay, really … ?!

Sorry, but that is just rank bad (even though it helped England) and he should be going home. There have been some very good performances so far, but this was the worst by a country mile that I have seen.
We got out of jail tonight with two Yorkie headers and some good old London bog line sniffing!!! @Inkanewetrust
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We got out of jail tonight with two Yorkie headers and some good old London bog line sniffing!!! @Inkamewetrust

Interesting that u mentioned the 3 Yorkies b4 the game & all three had a hand in the goals.

Tell u what Kane did well to generate the power on that header i swear to god he was leaning back or slightly away from goal when he got on the end of it.

Walker is the best athlete and best right sided defender I’ve ever seen down at Qpr yet he has the intelligence of a cat running into a patio door.

I had more than I should on Belgium to score 3 or more & even more than that on England to score 2 or more.

My mate asked me on the dog whilst I was in the bookies to put a tenner on 2-1 England @ 9/1.

I kid you not Harry Kane was a blessing from god on English football.
You must have the memory of a goldfish then.

Ref was dictated to & was poor in his execution throughout, you say the refs are instructed not to card usual indiscretions yet the previous game saw the ref dishout 8 cautions.

I’m baffled how you get to the conclusion that Kane wasn’t dragged to the ground it happened twice, it was as clear as you will ever see.

Poor performance from the ref who showed a distinct lack of control from start to finish.

Anyway all about opinions & I respect yours even if I disagree with every single word of it.
Do you think that VAR did not review the decision? The point I was making was how the decision was not made and that Kane started with his right arm over the top of the defenders left shoulder which was not a natural position which may have questioned the certainty of the foul. I did not say it was correct.
As to cards the card average count from 2010 WC has fallen from over 4 per game down to 2.92 in 2014 to currently 3 so far. I have watched many of the games with the expected card situations getting declined / ignored. That has to be by design which is a follow on position from the last World Cup where it was policy. I recall that debate in 2014 with many surprising non card situations the most high profile being no card on Neymars back break injury. I see the same trend here
My memory is not so bad
"" Busacca belongs to the school of thought that believes that referees need, whenever possible, to manage games through talking and psychology. A stern verbal rebuke can achieve as much as a card. The best referees are masters at this and it's the direction many want to go.
The problem with Velasco is that he's not that type of official. He has his own style and personality. He ordinarily asserts his authority through cards, not by communication. Indeed, go through Brazil vs. Colombia and you'll see very few instances of him addressing players, despite the fact that he could easily communicate with all of them.""
Replace Velasco with Roldan with Busacca still in charge and what do we get
My memory is not so bad

You're 100% correct. The number of yellows was pretty much cut in half after Busacca took over FIFA. Players, media, coaches, and fans were complaining about soft 2nd yellows and said the referees "ruined the game" by sending players off. Well guess what, now you get games like Sweden/South Korea where you have 45 fouls and players taking out opponents before they can even start a counter attack. It results in terrible football and matches with no flow.

It can all be traced back to the absurd yellow card accumulation rules. A suspension after two cautions? It's no wonder Busacca has refs ignoring PI and SPA. It needs to be changed to at least three cautions before a suspension. Let the refs do their job on the field.
Fair play goldfish some good points there & thought.

Two quick things the card average will rocket from the last group games onwards as every game will be do or die so I’m not sure if your non card management theory will have quite as much substance to it at the end of the tournament, I think if you get second rate referees you get second rate performances & that’s what we’re seeing.

Second of all I’ve never seen such a more blatant penalty in my life not given than the one Kane, dress it up how you like Kane arm on defender first, VAR protocol etc etc
Imo if that’s not given & again in second half same pull down on Kane then what is the point.
The other indication of a rank bad performance, he indicated 4 minutes of stoppage time during which England scored. The restart following the goal took between 90 and 120 seconds, yet he stopped play at 94:03. 3 seconds for such a long delay, really … ?!

Sorry, but that is just rank bad (even though it helped England) and he should be going home. There have been some very good performances so far, but this was the worst by a country mile that I have seen.

Do you think he simply gave up when the ball hit the replacement ball at the goall line, rather than take the correct restart of drop ball?
It was one where I think i would also give goal kick in my pub league game but surely he has to apply the lotg correctly here as they are clear for what to do if a second ball comes on and interferes?
The morning after the night before...
Some aspects of the tournament which have not met with expectations;
1) The apparent absence of any racism or violence
2) No offside incidents involving VAR
3) If we can get rid of Sterling, I think England can be optimistic
Lots of predictable stuff however
1) FIFA hanging the refs out to dry by deterring cards, whilst distracting the officials with meaningless mandates (which never last anyway)
2) A minority of really poor officials highlighting the need for some form of VAR
3) England subjected to the worst of the officiating and VAR, yet still winning with an injury time goal!
4) Some good VAR interventions, offset by some calamities
I would have given the fouls yet I felt there had to be a reason not to. Seven or eight officials in a VAR room looking at TV feed plus their own feeds? Was it felt that Kane in both instances had got himself into these positions. On the first one Kane moves his arm over the defender first and on the second one Kane is seen to hold the defenders arm. I would expect that with the statement that referees and VAR would tighten up on *holding* does that have the undesired effect of concern about engineering foul contact? Only VAR Ricci can say and it is under review I understand.
As to the referee he averages 5.4 yellow cards per game, with a red issued every three matches. So clearly he was under "instructions". I also think that in the world game it is difficult to bring uniformity to refereeing.
Anyway VAR is only a tool to assist and there is always going to be debate even with var.
the bottom line is that in the game England players were wasteful in front of goal. This game should have been over at halftime.
As I said before, if FIFA don't want the LOTG applied accurately, it should be up to them to appoint referees who do so to their standards. Trying to take a ref who's become the best in his country by refereeing in a certain manner and insisting he tries to change it on the fly is just asking for trouble.
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