Impeding (obstruction)


New Member
Hello all,

I was in the middle for an U13's match yesterday and I had the same incident happen a few times but didn't do anything about it because I wasn't sure.
The blue goalkeeper claimed the ball with his hands after a cross or a shot and then goes to the edge of the box to kick from his hands. The yellow striker then keeps trying to stand in front of the ball and the blue keeper starts to get very annoyed.
Should I have given an IDFK for impeding?
A&H International
You can give an IDFK if a player is trying to block a goal keeper. Try and stop it as soon as possible so it doesn't continue throughout the game, and stop any problems you could face later on in the game.
Without looking in the book, I don't think that it is impeding. I think that it is a specific offence in its own right.
You are correct mick. Preventing GK from releasing the ball from his hands punishable by IDFK.