Idea for keeping the laws fresh in the head over the summer break


The avuncular one
As a way if keeping the laws nice and fresh in our heads during the summer break, how about a series of weekly scenarios which will provide a chance to exercise the old grey matter? A bit like a more in depth "your the ref" but with animated gifs!!!

To make it more interesting, we could even have it as a rolling competition for which I will provide a prize for the winner - hell depending on how many entrants maybe even a home made trophy! :) I'll have a think about that one and make it something interesting. Winner to be decided by the most weekly wins at the end of the season.

Would anyone be interested in this sort of thing?
A&H International
Okay, bit of interest shown which is pretty good for a Saturday morning! I will flesh out the idea later and post tomorrow about how it will all work.

Now that is a snappy title! Every week (probably a Monday) I will post up a scenario. Each participant will send their view and actions etc on the scenario to me via the messaging system - please do not post them directly onto the competition page as you will be giving your answer to others!! For each answer, you could supply:
  • Observations around the scenario?
  • What would you be looking for?
  • What actions would you be taking?
  • Which laws support your answer (including law 18 if required...)?
  • How to proceed?
  • How would you approach the match after the incident?
Just some ideas of how to approach giving an answer - hell boy, you have to impress to bag those points!

The deadline for entering will be on Tuesday at 5 pm UK time. Once the deadline has passed I will then post your answers onto the page.

I will be trying to recruit a judge (ahem @Brian Hamilton and @Ross ) to decide on who deserves to be in first, second and third place based on the answers given. The top 3 answers will be awarded points - best answer 3 pts, second 2 pts and third 1 pt. The winner will be the one with the most points at the end of the run - 12 weeks in total.

As noted there will be a prize for the winner which will be announced closer to the time. Of course though, we will all be winners, because we will alll be learning or refreshing ourselves ready for next season...
@Ross maybe a new section for this? So it doesn't go into the other sections or anything if that makes sense, keeps everything in one place?:)
Yes, a competitions section could be a good idea. Could replace futsal if you're feeling ruthless @Ross
OMG! just seen what the prize is going to be.........

Start wetting those pants peeps. It's a monster....

Peepers peeled tomorrow morning.
Apologises if by August my suggestions reach "he's not out LBW as the ball pitched outside leg stump" cricket will have taken over :p
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