I enjoyed that!


RefChat Addict
U23 game last night, I was AR. Corner to home side, ball comes to edge of box, shot goes through a crowd of players, taking a slight nick off 'last' player running out who was for the home side.

My flag goes up, stopping the celebrations, ref comes over asks me what flag was for, I tell him 'Ball took nick off white 11 who was offside' 'OK' fair enough, offside it is'

As we come out for 2nd half spectator comes up to us, 'I got that 'offside' on video' he says.

My heart sinks, oh no, I know what's coming next I thought. 'Spot on' he continued. 'I'll tell the players and show you after the game'

'Well done mate' says the ref, Its nice to get the odd one right now and then! He DID show us afterwards as well - another chance to bask in glow of getting a decision right!:):) Another game tonight, so bound to make a complete c*** up now!:p
A&H International
U23 game last night, I was AR. Corner to home side, ball comes to edge of box, shot goes through a crowd of players, taking a slight nick off 'last' player running out who was for the home side.

My flag goes up, stopping the celebrations, ref comes over asks me what flag was for, I tell him 'Ball took nick off white 11 who was offside' 'OK' fair enough, offside it is'

As we come out for 2nd half spectator comes up to us, 'I got that 'offside' on video' he says.

My heart sinks, oh no, I know what's coming next I thought. 'Spot on' he continued. 'I'll tell the players and show you after the game'

'Well done mate' says the ref, Its nice to get the odd one right now and then! He DID show us afterwards as well - another chance to bask in glow of getting a decision right!:):) Another game tonight, so bound to make a complete c*** up now!:p
Take the positive feedback whenever and wherever it comes from. I had some favourable comments from both teams on Saturday, but i took it with a pinch of salt in the knowledge that it's a very fickle business we're in :rolleyes:
Good to know you got a KMI spot on however
Well done - it doesn't come much better for a referee that to be 'proved' right but I fear that this is the positive side of what may become a worrying trend. I said at the beginning of the season that, with the increasing use of VAR, I'm just waiting for someone in the crowd to stick a phone in my face and ask for a review.
Well done - it doesn't come much better for a referee that to be 'proved' right but I fear that this is the positive side of what may become a worrying trend. I said at the beginning of the season that, with the increasing use of VAR, I'm just waiting for someone in the crowd to stick a phone in my face and ask for a review.

I agree. Last season I had a few instances, both as ref and as part of a 3 when officials from one team or another have said 'I'd like to see that again ref'!'
I DID speak too soon. Last night's game, nowhere near as much fun. Won't identify teams as ref is going to report - but it WAS an open age game at a 'proper' stadium , yet we had an unseemly squabble over a kit clash, ended up kicking off over 15' late, which is not a lot of fun for a evening game involving a near 2 hour round trip!

All part of football/refereeing I guess - good and bad moments never far away!