Hypothetical incident question


Wished I started this when I was younger
Level 7 Referee

I'm a new ref and I was thinking about this the other day and was wondering what to do if this happened.

The game is flowing and you as the ref are following the game, when a shout goes up that blue player has punched red player who is knocked to the floor, the ref didn't see the incident but when he questions blue player he admits that he did punch him.

My question is would the game be stopped before the ball went out of play to deal with it and what action could the ref take ?
A&H International
Sounds like a YATR question.
You stop play only if the player is seriously injured, otherwise deal with at the next stoppage.
And you never rely on players' versions of events. If you have an AR then ask, otherwise stern words etc.
If the player admits it to me im walking him... Didn't dowd do similar in the hazard/ball boy incident??
Stop immediately if there is a chance of a brawl or if you think the injury might be serious. I'd leave the questioning of the players till after the game is stopped. Deal with any injuries first.

Obviously talk to your ARs first if you have any. Take your NAR words over the player's. Personally I would walk him if he admits to 'excessive force striking'/'violent conduct'. I'd also want to know why he did it. You would have to then make a judgement call on any other actions.

Either way send a report in explaining everything you saw and the what you were told.
But most often or not a player will do anything from getting sent off so think about what a player would say in this sort of incident if you have not seen it
Actually a friend ofmine took charge of an early cup round game this season. Cant remember the teams but mass confrontation broke out. Lots going on and after speaking with his assistants he gets 3 players off for punches thrown, but he admitted more probably should have gone, but between him and his NAR's they couldnt spot everyone. Two in the book for aggressive attitude. 2 reds and both yellows went to the same team, so he calls the teams skipper over just to have word to calm his players down. He starts with "Look I saw the punches...." at which point the skipper interrupts him saying "I didnt punch him, I just head butted him." Thanks very much another one walking.
Actually a friend ofmine took charge of an early cup round game this season. Cant remember the teams but mass confrontation broke out. Lots going on and after speaking with his assistants he gets 3 players off for punches thrown, but he admitted more probably should have gone, but between him and his NAR's they couldnt spot everyone. Two in the book for aggressive attitude. 2 reds and both yellows went to the same team, so he calls the teams skipper over just to have word to calm his players down. He starts with "Look I saw the punches...." at which point the skipper interrupts him saying "I didnt punch him, I just head butted him." Thanks very much another one walking.
That sounds like James Beal in an FA Cup replay between Brightlingsea and Enfield