HRM Watch Recommendations

George Lowe

Level 4
Level 4 Referee
Wanting to get a HRM watch for the coming season to track fitness etc.

Looking for one which has a countdown timer and isn't too expensive.

Can anybody recommend any good ones please?
A&H International
I can't speak from any experience but I think they are a waste of time and money for low level refs, I believe in the old "if you feel tired you're not fit enough" :)

It is only 90 minutes of football, not a marathon and so I don't think that monitoring your heart rate is important unless you have a heart problem. I wouldn't recommend one but of course there will be people that disagree with me :)
As a tool to track fitness I think they're over rated. I've got one and rarely use it.
If you want to track fitness measure time and distance on runs.
You can measure weight and reps if you use a gym.
Once you get to the dizzy heights of the Football League you have to use one as they track your training and effort.
Make the most of your youth and enjoy refereeing before you start putting extra pressure on yourself.
As someone very firmly in the pro-HRM camp I think it's important to understand the purpose behind your use of one and what it will help you achieve.

I've used one now for over 12 years having got one in my first year as a Level 4 but to be honest I didn't really get the real full benefit until I understood the wider elements of the structured training plan and how the HRM can help me train to my full potential by ensuring I'm working in the correct HR areas for the particular session I am doing and how I need to ensure I factor in the correct recovery from any given sessions.
Thanks for your thoughts, wasn't sure whether it was worth the investment yet and it sounds like it isn't so thanks everyone :)
As someone very firmly in the pro-HRM camp I think it's important to understand the purpose behind your use of one and what it will help you achieve.

I've used one now for over 12 years having got one in my first year as a Level 4 but to be honest I didn't really get the real full benefit until I understood the wider elements of the structured training plan and how the HRM can help me train to my full potential by ensuring I'm working in the correct HR areas for the particular session I am doing and how I need to ensure I factor in the correct recovery from any given sessions.
I've never thought about using it for training :rolleyes:
From the OP I was under the impression that it would be used in a game?
Do you use yours in your games @ASM??
The only element I'm interested in during the game is the stopwatch, too busy for other things!

Post game I will look at the data in terms of heart rate changes and speed at any given point and what they corresponded to in the game. The data also gives an automatic break down of % breakdown within HR zones etc that can be useful.
The only element I'm interested in during the game is the stopwatch, too busy for other things!

Post game I will look at the data in terms of heart rate changes and speed at any given point and what they corresponded to in the game. The data also gives an automatic break down of % breakdown within HR zones etc that can be useful.

Which HRM do you use?
I can't speak from any experience but I think they are a waste of time and money for low level refs, I believe in the old "if you feel tired you're not fit enough" :)

It is only 90 minutes of football, not a marathon and so I don't think that monitoring your heart rate is important unless you have a heart problem. I wouldn't recommend one but of course there will be people that disagree with me :)
It was because I used a HRM that I discovered I had a heart problem, attended my doctors and am now prescribed medication for the rest of my life. Don't dismiss the importance of tracking your heart rate even if "only" doing Sunday League
I think they're a very beneficial.

I have friend who has something similar and he really likes it - especially looking at the data after a match, etc.
They could (if used correctly) be beneficial. However spending 150+ on a hrm may not be the most sensible thing to do. Something like the Adidas MiCoach XCell may be better?
I'm looking for something that will track calories burnt and distance covered. Just purely for my own curiosity to work out how I'm progressing in fitness. Anyone got any suggestions??
I'm looking for something that will track calories burnt and distance covered. Just purely for my own curiosity to work out how I'm progressing in fitness. Anyone got any suggestions??
If you use the Polar RS400 with the footpod accessory it will measure your distance. The same unit measures heart rate and with the user settings input, it will give you calories burned. If you download it to the web based record, it will track your workload and help you maximise the effectiveness of your training, highlighting when you should rest and train. Useful for avoiding injury from over work
I use a garmin forerunner 220. GPS & hrm. Strangely it also works out distance quite accurately with gps off in the gym. Has good lap function, works out stuff like calories etc. and you can programme workouts into it.

You need access to a computer to get the most out of it - the web site is great for stats, seeing work rate etc. interesting and very useful. It also needs to be connected to the garmin web site every few weeks to update it (if you don't do this it starts to take a long time to find satellite).

Little expensive but I have been very happy with it.