The Ref Stop

How would you deal with this?


Cook, Cleaner and Bottle Washer
Level 7 Referee
This afternoon i was spectator for my local club pre seaon friendly. Red vs yellow. Red losing 3-1. On a long ball red #2 kicks ball on yellow #10 for a throw. CAR stood on halfway line award the throw in to yellow. Barrage of words then red player drop the big C bomb calling CAR a fu**ing c*nt.
CAR enters FOP and disregard referee warning and both of them head to head talking big.
Referee stood there no whistle nothing. And no sanctions to either CAR or red player.
So the more experienced or senior refs... how would you deal?
The Ref Stop
So the assistant flagged the wrong way and the player had a pop? Did the referee give it the right way?

Be up with play, give it the right way, cut out the conversation by shouting over them "Thanks mate, came off him RED throw" and getting the ball in play. Seeing as it hasn't gone that way, get both captains over, warn the player. (Maybe caution if you think it will help you) Then with the other captain speak to the CAR.

You have to be there, depends how the game has gone up to that point. But be seen to do something!
I wasn't refeering that game. But yeah ref give it to yellow. I thought in that scenario both would have walked.
Player shouts that during the game and he is walking. Would also ask the CAR to stand down and find someone to replace him
The player swearing walks. The CAR if he is a sub is also walking if he used his head. At the very least he is being relieved of his duty and getting a caution.
Firstly, he should be proactively refereeing!
Should be close enough to play to see the flag was incorrect and immediately shout something along the lines of "thanks lino, deflection that you couldn't see, red throw lads". This would prevent any of what followed.

However, he didn't. So he now has to deal with what ensued.
Player should be dismissed for OFFINABUS and the CAR (assuming he wasn't a named sub) should be asked to relieve his duties and an appropriate replacement found. He should be informed he'll be reported to CFA and told, in no uncertain terms, to be on his best behaviour if he chooses to stay within the vicinity of FOP (or tell him to do one, your choice!)
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@SM I've got 1 of those tomorrow night... But been ladies football hopefully there won't be such incidents?
I am a fan of ladies games - tend to get a better standard of behaviour from my own experience. At least from the players anyway, some of the idiots posing as managers and coaches are still idiots. :)
agree with @DanCohen17 here mate ... it SHOUDLN'T have happened as the referee should have give the throw correct way...

unfortunately football doesn't always take the easy route