How much to charge for friendlies.


New Member
Hi, I don’t normally bother with friendlies but as I’m not sure how much of a season there will be this year, I’ve offered my services to do 7 at the moment, they’re all OA games so how much should I charge ? Normal match fee (usually about £30 for the league the teams are in) or should I do it a bit cheaper as it’s a friendly.
A&H International
Our county FA have set fees and you have to be the right level as well
Hi, I don’t normally bother with friendlies but as I’m not sure how much of a season there will be this year, I’ve offered my services to do 7 at the moment, they’re all OA games so how much should I charge ? Normal match fee (usually about £30 for the league the teams are in) or should I do it a bit cheaper as it’s a friendly.
SEVEN!!??? 😵
Yeah, Thursday evenings and or 1 at the weekend, beats going out for runs to maintain fitness (I hope) !!
Are you new to the game?
I'd've taken any and every game when I first qualified
I've since learned that friendlies aren't my finest cup of tea. That said, I've offered my services in Aug, but won't accept more than a couple of games (merely to get my eye in after the long break)
Nothing wrong with seven - I’ve currently got eight booked in for August (and will do a few more if I’m free & needed), seven middles and one line. First middle already done today (good to get back in the saddle), next one 10.30 am tomorrow. I know a lot on this forum don’t like them, but I’ve never had a problem with them.

Personally, I go a little cheaper as it’s a friendly- but then I’m not in it/don’t need the money. Most clubs that ask me to do their friendlies are those that I’ve built up a good rapport with and I don’t want to fleece them. To the OP, I think asking for the usual match fee is fine, but if you can charge a little less (say £25 instead of £30) then I am sure it will be appreciated. In part, I think, though, it depends on the type of club. I’m talking about friendlies were the players pay to play, I’d probably have a different outlook if the players are being paid.

We are, I fear, heading for a major recession - whilst I remain in (relatively) well paid employment I know will find it harder and harder to accept my match fee if I know many of the players are struggling financially. But that’s a debate/thread for a different day.
It is normally the standard league fee but without any travel expenses, and if the teams are in different leagues you'd go for the lower of the two fees.
I think it depends on teams' locations but as a rule I'm charging my usual match fee - I intend on doing the usual job.
For anyone who's refereeing teams at Steps 5/6 and above in pre-season, our RDO sent me the attached file earlier this week, page 4 gives the fees.


  • Appointment of Match Officials to Non-Competition Matches July 2020.pdf
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