Hi people


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
Hi im reece im fairly new to this forum only been on it a couple of days as well as being new to this i am new to reffing. That new that i havent even reffed a game yet :D
I cant wait to ref first game any advice feel free to comment.

Also if you are from either Staffordshire or derbyshire comment as well as i live in between both countys :D
A&H International
Welcome to RefChat.

I'm only in Nottingham so not a million miles away. Any questions you have feel free to ask, we don't bite!
Hi Reece
I live South Derbyshire/North West Leicestershire -or just outside of Burton on Trent all depends who is asking. So not a million miles from you by the sounds of it
ah so im orginally from near Pirelli then moved up the A444 when I got married. Which leagues do you/will you Ref on?
Probably the BJFL if you know that one ?

But i cant sign up until i have done my six games
I used to do the burton sat and sun leagues. But as I'm now in Leicestershire FA this season I'm redding on the north Leicester, Leicester senior league and combination.

If you find yourself around the Swad, ashby area let me know
I'm in Lichfield - doing lines on the Midland Com and reffing in the Lichfield leagues on Sunday morning and afternoon.