"He's a bit of a clown this lad"


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Slightly odd statement from the home manager before my match last night.

Pre-match and I was in my usual position on the half way line, with the teams in their respective halves. During his team talk, the home manager said "he's a bit of a clown this lad, so let's have yes sir, no sir." "Don't give him any excuses.". I'm in no doubt that I was meant to hear it, bearing in mind that I was stood around thirty yards away. The really odd thing is that I've never reffed them before, I can only imagine that he's still bitter over the match I called off due to a waterlogged pitch late last year.

It just came across as very odd. As for the "sir", I just find it patronising; the players think that by adding sir beforehand, they can say what they want.

It's been suggested that I should have confronted him, but I'm a big believer in not going looking for trouble.

I'm not sure what he was hoping to achieve, trying to get in my head perhaps? It turned out to be an easy enough game with just a couple of cautions (one yellow for a dangerous challenge and one for dissent).
A&H International
Had a similar one earlier this season. Manager calls his team in while I'm doing a pitch inspection and says "first thing first, the ref" Surely the first thing you should think about is the opposition?!

I know 100% that he was talking about a game last season in which I sent of 1 player for OFFINABUS and he ended up missing a cup final (not my problem). This time round, I had 3 cautions all for... The opposition!
Hmm, it seems that this 'clown' is reffing them again this weekend. If doing my job properly makes me a 'clown' then so be it...
ANy comment like this that I can here from 30 yards will be challenged.
Not while all the players are there, turns into a p*ssing contest.
But as soon as the players are on the pitch "Sir, if there are any comments similar to the one you just made I may be forced to send you from the vicinity of the field of play". Then run off before he can deny ever having said anything.
Strange one this. Thirty yards away and you heard it clearly. He's already guilty of misconduct in any respect league and i think i would be telling him that i'm reporting him for misconduct.....I think
I'd be reporting that all day long. I'm quite harsh with what I'll tolerate with managers now a days. But feel they should be the best behaved people there in order to filter that attitude to their own team, so make sure any stepping out of line goes to the FA.
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I'd be reporting that all day long. I'm quite harsh with what I'll tolerate with managers now a days. But feel they should be the best behaved people there in order to filter that attitude to their own team, so make sure any stepping out of line goes to the FA.

I totally agree DavMac , although I am a relatively newbie in the Refereeing profession I let players / managers / coaches etc know in no uncertain terms if I hear them comment anything untoward regards me or my performance. I had an incident a few weeks ago when I gave a penalty for a push in the box, soft penalty from the defending teams point of view but a penalty all day long none the less which the attacking team duly converted. Heading back to the centre circle the defending captain mouths " never mind lads , heads up, we go again we up against 12 today " I was on him like a tonne of bricks, had a strong word and let my feelings known to his comment. The job can be difficult enough without silly comments from players like that making it worse.